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This section describes the principle of lead acid battery equalizer

来源:www.hblhnykj.com作者:Hubei Lham时间:2022-10-20

Battery equalizer, also known as battery balancer, is a kind of electronic protection equipment to prevent the service life of the battery from being reduced due to the voltage imbalance between the cells inside the battery. When the voltage between battery cells is out of balance, different battery cells have different charging and discharging speeds. When one battery cell is charged, the other battery cells are in the state of overcharging or undercharging. Overcharging or undercharging will damage the battery, reducing the battery capacity and shortening the battery life. The battery equalizer can balance the power of each battery grid in real time, thus extending the service life of the battery by 5-30%.


Working principle of battery equalizer

When two batteries are operated in series, the battery voltage may be different due to differences in the chemical composition and temperature of the battery. Therefore, when discharging, the battery with low voltage will discharge preferentially. When charging, the battery with high voltage will be charged first; With the repeated charging and discharging process of the battery pack, the voltage between the batteries will gradually increase, so that the battery pack will lose balance and reduce the service life, premature failure and damage. Be-101 battery equalizer is used in series battery pack. When the voltage between two batteries is greater than 60mV, the balance action will BE automatically started and the battery voltage will be balanced. The product is connected to the battery for 24 hours, so that the battery can automatically maintain the system energy balance when charging and discharging, thus extending the battery life.

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Product features

1. Prolong service life

2. Reduce battery replacement

3. Maintain charging balance

4. Save on extras

5. Insulation element

6. Seal design


Why install a battery equalizer? What are the benefits?

Let's give an example:

Equalizer not installed Battery Charging status: Some batteries are fully charged or some batteries are not fully charged

Equalizer not installed Battery discharge status: Some batteries are discharged or not


Result will directly affect the battery life mileage and the service life of the battery, battery not installed equalizer, good battery is bad, will be a drop in capacity, electrolyte dried up, and so on and so forth, the stability and reliability of the battery cannot be guaranteed, and ultimately affect the operation of the whole battery pack system battery life premature damage.


The battery equipped with the equalizer is compensated by actively balancing the power of the battery with high voltage and transferring it to the battery with low voltage to achieve the charge balance and make each battery full. Finally, the energy transfer is realized to extend the battery range and the service life of the battery pack.


Lham Battery Equalizer is a lead acid battery active equalization system developed with many years of dedication. It solves the balanced charging and discharge problems of battery packs such as electric forklifts, electric vehicles and electric tractors, and effectively extends the battery range and the service life of battery packs. For more information about this product, please pay attention to our official website: www.hblhnykj.com