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What effect can forklift battery water dry have

来源:www.hblhnykj.com作者:Hubei Lham时间:2022-11-15

In the maintenance of forklift battery, adding distilled water is an essential step in the maintenance, but many drivers are not in place in the maintenance work, often add water is not timely, leading to the battery "thirst", which will seriously affect the battery life, serious will lead to battery scrap. The following is a brief introduction to the impact of dry forklift battery water and how to avoid it.


The battery of electric forklift belongs to lead-acid battery, which is prepared and assembled by tubular plate and electrolyte. It is a working process from chemical energy to electric energy. Electric forklift battery is widely used because of its low price and good stability. Electric forklift battery, also known as forklift battery, belongs to the traditional name, battery electrolyte by sulfuric acid and distilled water in proportion to the deployment, battery forklift in the use of battery temperature rise, charge and discharge frequently, will cause electrolyte ratio imbalance, and even sulfuric acid concentration to form corrosion.


What effect can forklift battery water dry have?

Forklift batteries should be supplemented with an appropriate amount of distilled water regularly to make up for water consumption. Only by adding a proper amount of distilled water, can the normal charge and discharge function of the electrolyte be maintained and the service life of the battery be maintained. If ordinary water is added, the impurities contained in it will be deposited in the electrode, resulting in insufficient or even no charge, so distilled water must be used. In general, dry water will lead to plate burning, short circuit, the active substance of electric forklift battery will fall off. Battery water loss is because the positive electrode of the battery precipitates oxygen and hydrogen during charging, that is, part of the electric energy is consumed in electrolytic water. It is especially serious when overcharging. The water loss of the battery will cause irreversible sulphuric acid salination of the battery plate, reduce the capacity of the battery, and seriously lead to the battery scrap. Forklift battery has the characteristics of less water loss, less electrolyte volatilization and so on, which conforms to the design standard of electric forklift truck at home and abroad.

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When do forklift batteries need water refill?

Forklift battery should be replenished once a month, and other types of battery should be supplemented with distilled water regularly according to water consumption. For the battery that is not used temporarily, it can delay the water refill for several months. After water is supplied to the battery, add a proper amount of electricity. If the liquid level of some batteries drops quickly and water is replenished frequently, it is necessary to check whether the limit voltage of the regulator on the car is too high. Too high will appear charging, water consumption, evaporation fast, this situation can be solved by adjusting the limit voltage. If there are individual batteries down fast, to check whether there is a short circuit phenomenon.


The battery automatic water filling system can effectively solve the water supply maintenance problem. The battery automatic water supply system is a reliable, convenient, stable and safe water supply system for forklift trucks and other electric vehicle rich liquid batteries. It can choose the gravity mode to automatically replenish water without electric supercharging water.


The battery automatic water filling system is composed of valve controlled injection plug, water connecting pipe, flow indicator, quick connector and gravity water tank. It can effectively simplify complex and error-prone maintenance work and improve battery water maintenance efficiency. Balance the liquid level height, reduce the difference in battery characteristics, and extend the battery life.