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How to treat lead-acid battery with too much water

来源:www.hblhnykj.com作者:Hubei Lham时间:2022-12-09

Adding water to lead-acid batteries is an essential part of battery maintenance. Correctly, water refill maintenance work can extend its service life and running time. Artificial water is easy to add too much or insufficient water and other problems, how to deal with the lead-acid battery adding too much water? Let's take a look.


How to do if the lead-acid battery adds too much water? What are the effects?

To determine the first is the electrolyte or distilled water to add more, if the distilled water to add more, 10-15 mm from the cover mouth is the standard, cover the cap shaking battery will not flow out of the electrolyte does not need a tube, to be distilled water evaporation. If the electrolyte is added too much, it will need to adjust the electrolyte gravity.

What water to add to the lead-acid battery?

Not all water can be used to refill forklifts. Tap water, for example, contains dissolved minerals and salts that can build up on the panels over time, severely shortening battery life and running time. Therefore, deionized water is generally used. Through the process of deionization, the dissolved minerals and salts in the water are purified. Deionized water can also reduce battery corrosion, which is considered to be the best choice for the maintenance of lead-acid batteries.


How to avoid the problem of adding too much or not enough water to a lead-acid battery?

Lead-acid batteries need daily distilled water addition and maintenance, due to the lack of some users of lead-acid battery maintenance management, lead-acid battery is not timely and effective and accurate filling of distilled water, or add too much distilled water, will lead to battery performance attenuation and lead to its low efficiency, and then affect the performance of the equipment itself. Can be configured with a set of battery automatic water refill system, water shortage automatic water refill, water full induction stop, to ensure the battery cell level consistency, can effectively avoid artificial water problems caused by.

Battery semi-auto watering system.jpg

Lham automatic water refill system Practical functions:

Integrated transformation of water inlet

3 minutes for quick hydration

The water is full and shuts down independently

Balance battery level


Core advantages of Lham automatic water refill system:

Simplify maintenance process

Excellent cost performance

Save time and be efficient

Prolong the battery life


Lham Automatic water filling system is a set of reliable, convenient, stable and safe water filling system for forklift and other electric vehicle rich liquid battery. It can choose gravity automatic water replenishment without electric supercharging water. WSV-101 battery automatic water filling system is composed of valve controlled injection plug, water connection pipe, flow indicator, quick connector, gravity water tank. It can effectively simplify complex and error-prone maintenance work and improve battery water maintenance efficiency. Balance the liquid level height, reduce the difference in battery characteristics, and extend the battery life.