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How to balance electric vehicle lead-acid battery

来源:www.hblhnykj.com作者:Hubei Lham时间:2022-12-30

The unbalance of series battery packs is an important problem that affects the life of battery packs. For lead-acid batteries used in electric vehicles, how to improve the balance and consistency of battery packs is a big problem that needs to be solved for users. How to balance lead-acid batteries in electric vehicles? Today, let's talk about how to solve this problem.

In lead-acid series batteries, the charging current of each battery is consistent, but the actual capacity of each battery cannot be completely consistent due to the discrete performance of the actual product. As a result, some batteries are overcharged and some are undercharged while the battery is being charged. The overcharged battery gradually loses water because the water in the electrolyte is electrolyzed at the end of the charge, and the undercharged battery is vulcanized because of the crystallization of lead sulfate.


Both overcharge and undercharge will reduce the effective capacity of the battery and shorten its life. If each cell battery can be balanced at the end of charging and discharging, the energy of the battery tends to be overcharged to be transferred to the undercharged battery.


Finally, ensure that each unit battery can be filled at the same time, eliminate the imbalance of each unit battery, battery life, effective capacity and system reliability will be improved.


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How to balance electric vehicle lead-acid battery?

1. Due to the differences of the battery itself, the series used for a period of time, there will be differences, mainly manifested in the battery voltage is different, as little as dozens of millivolts, more than a few tenths of a volt, must be balanced treatment of the battery to play the role of the battery pack;

2. For the battery pack, however, the charger can not realize the balanced charge of the series battery pack, the best way is to use the battery equalizer;


With the repeated use of electric vehicles for a long time, battery parameters will inevitably change. When the parameters of all batteries in the battery pack are different, there will be a phenomenon that one battery is fully charged while the other battery is not, which will only accelerate the aging speed of the battery for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to set up a voltage equalizer to balance the battery voltage.


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This section describes the features of battery equalizer

Battery equalizer is characterized by energy transfer equalizer, which can be compensated by both sides of the battery. When the voltage difference between the battery connected in series exceeds 60 millivolts, the battery equalizer starts to work, and the power will flow from the battery with higher voltage to the battery with lower voltage, and finally make the battery reach balance. It can be connected in the battery connected in series for a long time to automatically maintain the balance of the battery. No maintenance required.

Lham battery equalizer is a kind of electronic protection equipment to prevent the voltage imbalance between batteries inside the battery cells from reducing the service life. When the voltage between cells is unbalanced, different cell charging and discharging rates are different. When one cell is charged, other cells are in the state of overcharging or undercharging. Overcharging or undercharging will damage the battery, resulting in reduced battery capacity and shortened battery life. The battery equalizer ensures the power balance among battery cells in real time, extending the battery service life by 5-30%.