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Lead acid battery for a long time do not charge into electricity how to repair

来源:www.hblhnykj.com作者:Hubei Lham时间:2023-01-06

Lead acid battery if not used for a long time, you need to take protective measures to avoid placing there regardless. It is common to charge the lead-acid battery at intervals to keep it charged. If the lead-acid battery does not charge for a long time, how to repair? Let's take a look.

Lead-acid battery put long charge into how to repair?


1. Full and full repair method:

Full discharge repair is a method to repair a battery by fully charging it and then discharging it completely. Full discharge repair is mainly used to repair slightly damaged batteries. At the same time, this method can effectively activate the active substance deep inside the battery and improve the capacity of the battery.


For example, light vulcanization batteries and batteries with high internal resistance, the key to this method is the complete discharge of each single battery. Generally, the complete discharge of each single battery 1-2 times can improve the capacity of the battery. Full release repair method should not be used frequently, at least once a year, at most once every three months.


2. Pulse repair method:

The better way to eliminate the battery vulcanization is to use pulse repair method. When the battery is repaired, the instantaneous voltage of the pulse is generally between 60v and 300V according to the functional requirements of the battery. For example, the pulse voltage value of the product used for battery life extension is not very large.


The pulse voltage value of the battery repair product can be too large (if the pulse voltage value is too large, it will cause damage to the battery plate). High pulse voltage, short battery repair time, low pulse voltage, relatively long battery repair time. Although the pulse instant voltage is high, but the average voltage is not high, no harm to human body, very safe.



3. Water refill repair method:

The "water loss" of the battery can be repaired by replenishing the battery, in order to dilute the sulfuric acid by increasing the concentration for normal electrolytic reaction.


Water replenishment can only add distilled water, other components of water, including pure water can not be added, because there are various metal molecules in the water of other components, after adding the battery is easy to cause self-discharge, damage the battery.


And many battery problems are due to water shortage, so if we can refill the battery once half a year, we can greatly extend the battery life, and will not let the battery bulge and other situations, and the method of replenishing is very simple, can be completed in a few minutes.


Can be equipped with a set of battery water gun, one key easy to complete the water work, accurate water, water full induction stop. Can make the battery water maintenance becomes convenient, safe and efficient.


Small edition in this also remind you: in the repair of the lead acid battery, first of all to understand the cause of the fault, and then use the appropriate method to repair, so as to ensure that the lead acid battery repair can be normal use.