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Is it useful to add liquid to a lead-acid battery? What's the difference between distilled water, electrolyte and repair solution

来源:www.hblhnykj.com作者:Hubei Lham时间:2023-02-09

Is it useful to add liquid to a lead-acid battery? What's the difference between distilled water, electrolyte and repair solution

Usually, lithium-ion batteries can only be replaced when they encounter problems, but lead-acid batteries are different because they are repairable. One of the ways to repair lead-acid batteries is to add liquid to the battery, which can prolong the battery life and restore the battery life.


However, whether adding liquid to lead acid batteries works or not has always been controversial. Some people think it works very well, some people think it is ineffective, and even damage the battery. Then, whether adding liquid to repair batteries is effective or not, let's enter the first topic.


Does liquid repair of lead-acid battery have effect?

To add liquid repair lead-acid battery is effective, and, this way is not a "prescription", is after technical certification, there is a maintenance master, found the electric vehicle maintenance tutorial, which clearly said: Battery water (or electrolyte) repair, battery water shortage is the most common fault in the repair operation of the battery, such as improper daily operation, such as overcharge, undercharge and overput caused by the battery water repair operation is generally relatively simple, usually open the battery cover plate and safety valve, injected distilled water or electrolyte.


So the problem comes, the common battery to add liquid, there are distilled water, electrolyte, repair liquid options, what is the difference between them, plus which one? Let's take you to understand.


Electric vehicle battery add liquid, distilled water, electrolyte, repair liquid what is the difference?

1, distilled water, is a kind of high purity pure water, does not contain minerals and impurities, does not have electrical conductivity;

2, electrolyte, battery production will add electrolyte, composition is water and sulfuric acid, can also be understood as battery stock solution;

3, repair solution, this is a product in recent years, the main component is distilled water, sulfuric acid, repair formula, it contains sulfuric acid ratio will be lower than the electrolyte.


Then electric vehicle battery liquid, above 3 which is better, it mainly depends on what battery lack, if the battery is simply water, only need to add distilled water can, in addition, if the battery lack of water and acid, you can directly add electrolyte, and repair liquid is a good allocation of goods, the price will be more expensive, but not suitable for diluting the novice use.


battery watering gun.png

Here to remind you, want to precise liquid, do not recommend blindly add casually, it is best to operate professional personnel. In addition, do not add mineral water, its minerals have electrical conductivity, otherwise it will be "counterproductive". It is recommended to use special water adding tools for operation - battery watering gun, adding water is more accurate, one key to add water, water full induction stop. Can avoid manual water control is not accurate, add too much water or insufficient problems, so that the battery water maintenance becomes convenient, safe and efficient.


Lead-acid battery (lithium battery does not need to add liquid) adding liquid is useful, but the tube does not mean universal, the battery has appeared "water loss for a long time, battery aging, battery deformation" can not be repaired by adding liquid, these situations are to be changed, and in the liquid, because water is the most easy to evaporate, generally added distilled water can, Electrolyte and repair solution can be filled according to the actual situation.