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Why are electric car batteries becoming Less durable?

来源:www.hblhnykj.com作者:Hubei Lham时间:2023-02-13

Now the electric vehicle has a trillion yuan consumer market, its market size is no less than the vehicle enterprises; Electric vehicles are also favored by many people because of their small and convenient size and low price. They have become one of the preferred means of transportation for many office workers. And in recent years, many owners reflect that the battery is becoming more and more durable, battery life obviously declines, what is this reason? Let's talk about it.


Lead-acid batteries have been in development for more than 150 years, so the technology is very mature. Its main components are lead and sulfuric acid, and its quality depends on the purity and density of lead in electric vehicles. The core of battery conductivity is the material. The same type of battery, manufacturers use different density and purity of lead, its energy storage effect is very different.


What causes: electric vehicle battery quality is generally not good before?

Undoubtedly, with the development of science and technology, battery technology is progressing, but we will find a problem, many electronic products in our life are more and more easy to use, more and more durable, but the battery of electric vehicle seems to be an exception, ten years ago, the battery can generally be used for four or five years, now the battery can only be used for one or two years, what is the cause of battery technology progress, But the quality is going backwards?


1. The battery is fully "cadmium-free", which reduces the conductivity of the battery

As is known to all, batteries 10 years ago contained cadmium and other trace elements, which generally have good conductivity, strong power, long driving distance and long service life. In recent years, in order to protect the environment, batteries have adopted cadmium-free design, but the most direct impact is that the conductivity of batteries plummets, causing problems in durability.


2. Product quality declines

In recent years, with the rising cost of labor and materials, the manufacturing cost of batteries has also gradually increased, but the price has not changed much, which means that the profit of batteries for electric vehicles is also declining. In addition, affected by the market environment, the price war in the battery industry is constant. For various reasons, some small and medium-sized battery enterprises choose cheap materials in order to reduce the cost. Battery product quality decline, durability problems.


3, high-power design, accelerate battery loss

Now the electric vehicle function is much more than before, in addition to riding, what are the induction unlock, anti-theft function, LED screen, atmosphere light and mobile phone interconnection and other new functions. But as more and more electronic devices become available, electric cars consume more and more power, even if you leave them there and don't ride them, they steal power. As a result, batteries are less durable than they used to be.


From the above three aspects, it is true that the battery durability of current electric vehicles is not as good as before, but for users, forming good habits when riding and charging can extend the battery life to some extent. Of course, when choosing batteries, it is best to choose brand batteries with guaranteed quality, and do not be greedy for cheap choices of poor quality batteries.