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Varta batteries typically last a few years

来源:www.hblhnykj.com作者:Hubei Lham时间:2023-03-03

Battery electrolyte by sulfuric acid and distilled water in proportion to the deployment, electrolyte in the use of battery temperature rise, charge, discharge frequently, this process will cause electrolyte ratio imbalance, even sulfuric acid concentration becomes large corrosion, therefore, to regularly give a proper amount of distilled water, make up for water consumption. Only by adding an appropriate amount of distilled water, can the normal charge and discharge function of the electrolyte be maintained and the service life of the battery be maintained. Many friends for the battery water steps do not understand, and share the following battery water detailed tutorial.


A 12V lead-acid battery has 6 cells, and the total amount of electrolyte in each cell is about dozens to more than 100 ml according to the capacity of the battery. Usually need to supplement the part only a few milliliters to dozens of milliliters, specific to the electrolyte just soaked plate group is appropriate.


Methods and steps for adding water to batteries:

1. Use up (or drain) the battery. Pry open the cover and remove the rubber cap and surrounding caulk on each single compartment overflow valve port (electric vehicle battery overflow valve is basically this structure).


2. Use clean chopsticks to probe into the reach plate group from the overflow valve port, take out the chopsticks and observe that the head is wet, indicating that the single grid is not short of water, no need to add water; Otherwise you can add water. Note that the six cells of the same cell do not necessarily have the same water shortage.


3. Use a syringe to inject 2 to 3 ml of water into the single cell that needs to be added with water, and then place it so that the injected water has enough time to gradually soak into the plate group.


4. After a period of time, use finely cut disposable chopsticks to explore, if no water can continue to inject 2 to 3 ml. This is repeated until there is just (no more than 1 mm) water on the plate group. Note that it is important not to blindly add too much water so that the concentration of the single cell electrolyte is too low when the excess part has to be extracted.


5. Repair continuously for 24 hours, use (or release) the electricity. The water added at this point may be further immersed. Explore each cell again, refill until there is just water.


6. Close the rubber cap and restore the caulk. Glue the battery cover. Charge it. Adding water to the battery is complete.


Due to the complex and error-prone operation of battery water adding, manual water adding is not accurate, adding too much or not enough water will affect the balance of battery characteristics and lead to the battery life is shortened, and the operator is prone to safety risks in the face of acid corrosion.

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Intelligent water adding system for battery is an automatic water replenishing device developed for liquid rich battery, which can comprehensively replace manual water adding maintenance operation of battery, real-time monitoring of battery water shortage status, automatic water replenishing, induction stop when full of water, after installation, the electrolyte level can be kept in a healthy state throughout the whole process to ensure stable and balanced characteristics of battery electrolyte and optimize the use efficiency of battery equipment. Prolong the battery life.


Lham automatic water charging system is a set of reliable, convenient, stable and safe water charging system for forklift trucks and other electric vehicle rich liquid batteries. It can choose the gravity way to automatically replenish water without electric supercharging water. It can effectively simplify complex and error-prone maintenance work and improve battery water maintenance efficiency. Balance the liquid level height, reduce the difference in battery characteristics, and extend the battery life.