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Is it necessary to install a battery equalizer?

来源:www.hblhnykj.com作者:Hubei Lham时间:2023-03-24

With the repeated use of electric vehicles for a long time, battery parameters will inevitably change. When the parameters of all batteries in the battery pack are different, there will be a phenomenon that one battery is fully charged while the other battery is not, which will only accelerate the aging speed of the battery for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to set up a voltage equalizer to balance the battery voltage.


Is it necessary to install a battery equalizer

Due to the differences in the battery itself, after series use for a period of time, there will be differences, mainly manifested in the voltage of each battery is different, from tens of millivolts to tens of one volt. Only when the battery is balanced can the battery pack play its role; But for the battery pack, the charger cannot realize the balanced charge of the series battery pack. The best way to do this is to use a battery equalizer.


The battery equalizer is still useful. If the battery voltage is not balanced, it will cause your battery to have high voltage and low voltage. A low-voltage battery will quickly run out of energy. So we use an equalizer to average their voltages. To increase the range.

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This section describes battery Equalizer

Battery equalizer, also known as a battery balancer, is an electronic protection device that prevents voltage imbalance among battery cells from reducing the service life of a battery. When the voltage imbalance between battery cells, different cell charging and discharging speed is different. When a cell is charged, other cells are in the state of overcharge or undercharge, and overcharge or undercharge will damage the battery, resulting in reduced battery capacity and shortened battery life. The battery equalizer ensures the power balance among battery cells in real time, extending the battery service life by 5-30%.


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Working principle of battery equalizer

When two batteries are operating in series, battery voltages may vary due to differences in battery chemistry and temperature. Therefore, when discharging, the battery with low voltage will be preferentially discharged; When charging, the battery with high voltage will be charged first; As battery packs are charged and discharged repeatedly, the voltage between batteries gradually increases. As a result, battery packs lose balance and their service life is reduced, resulting in premature failure and damage. The BE-101 battery balancer is used on battery strings in series. When the voltage between two batteries is greater than 60mV, the battery balancer automatically starts and balances the battery voltage. The product is connected to the battery 24 hours a day, so that the battery can automatically maintain the system energy balance during charging and discharging, thus extending the battery life.


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Installing a battery balancer has the following advantages

1. The performance and service life of a battery pack with a balanced voltage of each cell are similar to that of a single battery, with no significant difference;

2. It can get rid of the battery failure caused by the unbalanced battery. It is common for some batteries to be in a state of undercharge for a long time under plate vulcanization failure and overcharging resulting in battery water loss;

3. The active balanced battery pack no longer needs the passive balanced high voltage overcharge, which can reduce the maximum charging voltage, which can make the battery lose less water, prolong the battery life, and greatly reduce the possibility of the battery thermal runaway;

4. When a battery pack is damaged, you only need to replace the battery pack instead of the whole battery pack, which can save considerable costs. The equalizer will keep the old and new battery voltages in line and work properly.


Lham battery equalizer is a lead-acid battery active balancing system devoted to research and development for many years to solve the problem of balanced charging, balanced discharge of battery packs such as electric forklift, electric vehicle, electric tractor, effectively extend the range of battery life and battery packs. For more information about equalizer, please call: 0710-3313598