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Introduction to the water adding process of electric vehicle lead-acid battery

来源:www.hblhnykj.com作者:Hubei Lham时间:2023-06-20

In modern society, more and more people begin to use electric vehicles, which is an environmentally friendly and economical way to travel. The power source of electric vehicles comes from batteries, of which lead-acid batteries are the most common. However, in the process of using lead-acid batteries, water needs to be continuously added to ensure the normal operation of the battery. So, what should electric vehicle lead-acid batteries do with water?


First, we need to know how lead-acid batteries add water. Because the lead-acid battery will produce water decomposition during charging and discharging, the water in the battery will gradually evaporate after a period of use, resulting in a drop in the water level. If you do not add water for a long time, it will seriously damage the battery performance and even cause the battery to burn out. Therefore, it is very necessary to add water in time.


Next, let's look at the steps of adding water to electric vehicle lead-acid batteries. First of all, it is necessary to prepare some clean distilled water or purified water to ensure that the water quality is not polluted. Second, open the battery cover under the seat of the electric vehicle and find the water filling hole on the battery. In general, the battery cover of electric vehicles has two openings, one is a charging port, and the other is a water hole, which needs to be carefully identified to avoid adding the wrong water.


Next, the prepared distilled or purified water is slowly injected into the water filling hole. It is important to note that you must be careful not to spill or leak, so as not to cause damage to the battery. When adding water, it is necessary to inject water above the grid plate inside the battery, but do not let the water exceed the grid plate, otherwise it will affect the battery life.


The small series here recommends that you can use the battery special water adding tool - Lham battery water gun to add water, lead-acid battery water adding operation is complicated and easy to error, manual water adding control is not accurate, too much or not enough water will affect the battery characteristics balance and lead to the battery life is shortened, the operator face acid corrosion is easy to have safety risks. Battery water gun is our independent research and development production, dedicated to the lead-acid battery water maintenance of the special tool, can make the water maintenance work more efficient and convenient, can solve the manual water control is not accurate, too much or insufficient water.


Finally, after adding water, close the battery cover and reset the seat. In the process of adding water, you also need to pay attention to some matters, such as the time of adding water should not be too frequent, generally check once a week or so; Before adding water, turn off the power supply to avoid short circuit of the battery. When adding water, keep the battery upright and do not tilt or lay horizontally.


In short, electric vehicle lead-acid batteries with water, although very simple, but very important. Only by adding water in time can we ensure the normal operation of the battery, extend the battery life, and better play the advantages of electric vehicles. Therefore, we need to take seriously the issue of electric vehicle lead-acid battery plus water, so that timely, standardized and safe operation.