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How long is it appropriate to change the car battery, and how should the daily maintenance be done

来源:www.hblhnykj.com作者:Hubei Lham时间:2023-08-30

Automobile battery is a kind of battery, the working principle is to convert chemical energy into electrical energy, so as to achieve the purpose of storing electrical energy. The automobile battery is a very important electrical component in the automobile.


So what is the life of the battery in general? The design life of the car battery is generally 27 months, but this service life will be affected by other factors, such as: car conditions, road conditions, driver habits and so on. In general, the new battery life of the new car will be longer, because the engine will be better than the battery, and the battery can be fully charged. When the car is old, especially after the engine and generator are old, the battery is more prone to damage.


What happens to the battery that needs to be replaced?


Turn on the car's headlights, if the light is white, the battery is normal. If the light is red and dark, it means that the battery is insufficient. Turn on the starter, if the speed is normal, the light is slightly dimmed but the brightness is enough, indicating that the battery is in good condition, if the starter is weak and the light is dimmed, it means that the battery needs to be maintained or replaced. There is also the horn is not loud enough when the car is not, which also indicates that the battery is not in good condition.


Battery maintenance and replacement need to pay attention to some problems, if the car is not used for a long time, the battery will slowly self-discharge, so it is necessary to start the car every once in a while, so as to achieve the purpose of charging the battery. The distance between the liquid level of the battery and the lid is 15mm. When the liquid level is low, distilled water should be added. Do not use pure drinking water instead, which may cause adverse effects on the battery and affect the service life of the battery.

 battery watering gun.jpg

Here you can use professional water adding tools for operation, such as battery watering gun, lead-acid battery water refill special tools, can make battery water adding maintenance becomes convenient, safe and efficient. It can easily add water with one click, which is safe and convenient, and can also help control the liquid level height, ensure the balance of battery characteristics, and extend the service life of the battery.


When starting the car, the uninterrupted use of the starter will lead to excessive discharge of the battery and damage, it is best not to start the car for more than 5 seconds each time, and the best interval is more than 15 seconds when you need to start again. The surface of the battery should be kept clean, and the small hole on the battery cover should be ventilated when using the car. If the small hole is blocked, the gas generated by the battery can not be discharged, which may cause the battery shell to burst. There is also to check whether there is oxidation in the positive and negative poles, and to deal with it in time.