

Industry information

Further perfect the construction of recycling system of lead acid battery industry

来源:www.hblhnykj.com作者:Hubei Lham时间:2022-10-21

The General Office of the State Council issued the Implementation Plan of Extended Producer Responsibility System (hereinafter referred to as the Plan), and took the lead in determining the implementation of Extended Producer Responsibility system for four types of products: electrical appliances and electronics, automobiles, lead-acid batteries and packaging materials. Among them, the scheme put forward a more perfect way and method for the establishment of the extended producer responsibility system of lead-acid battery. Industry expressed that the promotion of the plan will effectively attack the social chaos of the production of lead acid battery, will be beneficial to further perfect our battery industry recycling system construction.


The plan states that for specific varieties with high industrial concentration and complete recycling industry chain, such as lead-acid batteries and beverage paper-based composite packaging, recycling targets shall be formulated, decomposed and implemented at the national level, and systems such as statistics, verification, evaluation, supervision and target regulation shall be established and improved.


To guide the lead-acid battery production enterprises established in whole life cycle of product traceability system, "the plan" pointed out that the enterprise can take joint autonomous recovery, recycling or entrust the recycling model, through the production enterprise has its own sales channels and professional enterprise established in the end of the consumer network recovery of lead-acid battery, support the introduction of "cash-for-clunkers" and so on ways to improve recovery rate. The backup power supply batteries and storage batteries will be disposed of by professional enterprises after they are scrapped. In the exploration and improvement of production enterprises centralized collection and trans-regional transport mode, will take the lead in the construction of lead-acid battery recycling system in Shanghai, standardize the treatment and utilization of waste lead-acid battery recycling by the "sales one collection one" mode.


"Plan" stressed that to carry out beverage paper-based composite packaging recycling alliance pilot. To support beverage paper-based composite packaging production enterprises, filling enterprises and recycling enterprises to form an alliance in accordance with market principles, and recycle the discarded beverage paper-based composite packaging through the sales channels of filling enterprises, the existing recycling system of renewable resources, and the self-established network of recycling enterprises. We will encourage production enterprises to provide technical and financial support to weak links in the recycling chain based on the amount of recycling and the level of utilization, so as to promote the realization of recycling goals.


"Through the promotion of the program, China will set and decompose recycling targets at the national level, and establish a sound system of statistics, verification, evaluation, supervision and target adjustment. This is beneficial to attack the social chaos of the production of lead acid battery and further improve the recycling system construction of our lead acid battery industry."