

Industry information

Why do most electric cars use lead-acid batteries and not lithium batteries? What is the reason?

来源:www.hblhnykj.com作者:Hubei Lham时间:2023-01-11

Careful users will find that 9 out of 10 electric cars on our streets use lead-acid batteries. Lithium battery models are relatively rare, especially electric motorcycle models, basically can not see lithium battery. Why the popularity of lead-acid batteries, which are used in most electric cars? The main reasons are the following four!

First, lead-acid battery technology is more mature

Lead-acid batteries have been in development for more than 150 years, and their technology is more mature and stable than lithium batteries. It is made of metal lead and sulfuric acid as the main raw materials, through a certain chemical reaction to charge and discharge, the whole process is very stable, will not occur drastic changes, there is no risk of deflation, explosion. Therefore, it is easy for stores and users to store and maintain.

Second, the cost of lead-acid batteries is low

This is the core reason why lead-acid batteries "dominate" the low-speed electric vehicle market. Therefore, whether it is two-wheeled electric vehicle, three-wheeled electric vehicle or low-speed four-wheeled electric vehicle, the cost proportion of batteries is still very large. With the same capacity of battery, the cost of lead acid is half that of lithium battery, as a manufacturer, from the point of view of profit, will definitely choose lead acid battery. As users, from the point of view of saving electricity, they will also choose lead-acid batteries.


Third, lead-acid batteries can be recycled

In fact, the recycling mechanism of lead-acid battery has been established in our country, and the waste batteries eliminated in electric vehicles can be recycled and sold for cash, and the users can change into money, or money deduction when changing for new batteries. It's a win-win ecologically and economically. Manufacturers can also profit from recycling lead-acid batteries, but lithium batteries currently do not have a recycling system, so after the phase-out of low-speed electric vehicles, lead-acid batteries will remain a "treasure".


Fourth, lead acid market monopoly has been formed

The field of low-speed electric vehicle power battery has long been monopolized by Tieneng and Super Power, and it is the lead acid battery giant. If it is not for the new national standard limit the weight of electric vehicles, they will not spend a lot of money to research and development of lithium batteries, but firmly maintain the share of lead acid batteries. After all, it is not easy to have a moat, suddenly be broken by lithium batteries, as the industry leader, is certainly not willing to. With the exception of a small number of new national standard electric bikes that use lithium, most motorcycle models still use lead-acid batteries.


The above four points are the reasons why lead-acid battery has been the main power battery of low-speed electric vehicle for a long time. If lithium battery wants to seize this market, its safety should be greatly improved and its price should keep pace with lead-acid battery. Guys, what do you think about that? Your message is welcome!