

Industry information

UPS lead-acid battery industry development and technical performance parameters

来源:www.hblhnykj.com作者:Hubei Lham时间:2023-02-17

UPS lead-acid battery industry development and technical performance parameters. The lead-acid battery is composed of positive plate, negative plate, partition, electrolyte, plastic groove and so on. UPS lead-acid battery is the largest battery product in the world, the processing amount accounts for 50% of the total battery. Now, lead-acid battery has become a common "consumer goods" in people's life with the rapid development of economy.

UPS lead-acid battery industry development

According to the different electrode materials and working principles, UPS batteries are mainly divided into lead-acid batteries, lithium-ion batteries, nickel-metal hydride batteries, nickel-cadmium batteries and so on. Among them, lead-acid battery has the advantages of cost-effective, large capacity, high power, long life, safety and reliability, is currently the world's largest output, the most widely used battery; Lithium-ion batteries are also gaining market share due to their high energy density.


The production process of UPS lead-acid battery is relatively complicated. At present, the processing process of maintenance-free lead-acid battery in the industry is mainly divided into lead strip rolling, lead paste and making, plate grid making, lead paste coating and filling, curing and drying, pole group casting welding and pole group groove, wall welding, large cover heat sealing and terminal welding, battery acid and forming, small cover heat sealing and test line and other processes.


Lead-acid battery is the UPS battery with the largest market share and the most widely used in the chemical battery, especially in the starting and large-scale energy storage and other applications, and it is difficult to be replaced by other new batteries in a long time. Lead-acid battery has the advantages of low price, mature technology, high and low temperature performance, stability and reliability, high safety, good reuse of resources and other comparative advantages, and clear market competition.


With the breakthrough of new technologies and the use of new structures, lead carbon batteries, bipolar batteries, non-lead grid batteries and other advanced lead-acid batteries are constantly coming out, changing the low mass to energy ratio, short cycle life and other deficiencies, and with the gradual improvement of laws and regulations and management level, the risk of lead pollution can also be prevented and controlled. For the lead acid battery industry to continue to develop into a new vitality. In the future, lead-acid batteries will still play an important role in the use of backup power, energy storage, starting, power and other applications.


Throughout the whole lead-acid UPS battery market, from the competitive quantity, president rate, exit barriers, degree of homogeneity, as well as the level of competition, lead-acid battery industry is in a mature stage, but the overall quality of the industry is uneven, limited by the company's own factors, most companies gather in low-end products, price war, the existing companies in the market fierce competition.


In recent years, large and medium-sized lead-acid battery companies have introduced green ecological design to reduce pollutants from the source, improve resource utilization, and realize ecological product design. A number of lead-acid battery companies have intensified technical transformation efforts, the use of more advanced, green technology, to improve environmental protection and occupational health protection level. At the same time, the introduction of automation and intelligent equipment, in the manufacturing process to achieve energy conservation and emission reduction, some large lead-acid battery companies also carry out waste battery recycling, embarked on the green cycle, ecological civilization development road.

Technical performance parameters of UPS lead-acid battery

1. Capacity

UPS battery capacity is the amount of power stored by the lead-acid battery and is represented by symbol C. The unit commonly used is the ampere hour, abbreviated as the ampere hour (Ah) or milliampere hour.


2. Energy

The energy of a UPS lead-acid battery is the electric energy that the battery can provide under a certain discharge system, usually expressed in watt-hours (Wh). UPS battery energy is divided into theoretical energy and practical energy. The specific energy of the battery is a comprehensive index, which reflects the quality level of the battery, and also declares the technical and management level of the manufacturer.


3. Cycle life

A battery goes through a charge and a discharge, called a cycle. Under certain discharge conditions, the number of cycles that the battery can withstand before working to a specified capacity is called cycle life.


4. Storage performance

During storage of UPS lead-acid batteries, due to the existence of impurities in the battery, such as positive metal ions, these impurities can form microbatteries with negative active materials, resulting in negative metal dissolution and hydrogen precipitation.


5. Internal resistance

Battery internal resistance includes ohmic internal resistance and polarization internal resistance, and polarization internal resistance includes electrochemical polarization and concentration polarization. The existence of internal resistance makes the terminal voltage of the battery lower than the electromotive force and open circuit voltage, and the terminal voltage higher than the electromotive force and open circuit voltage during charging.


The above is the UPS lead-acid battery industry development and technical performance parameters, battery products have a long history, mature technology, in power characteristics, high and low temperature performance, combination consistency, recycling and battery industry development status of decomposition grid has advantages. Therefore, in a short time, the battery can not be replaced by other battery products.