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What is the difference between AGMA battery and colloidal battery?

来源:www.hblhnykj.com作者:Hubei Lham时间:2023-03-02

The difference is the way the electrolyte is fixed and penetrated inside the battery. The AGM is a microfine glass fiber separator, which is used to absorb the electrolyte and supply oxygen composite channel. Colloidal batteries use colloidal sio2 to fix the electrolyte.


Agm-type batteries use pure sulfuric acid solution as electrolyte with a density of 1.291.3lg/cm3. Most of them exist in the glass fiber film, and the plate absorbs a part of the electrolyte outside. In order to supply the channel to the negative electrode for the oxygen precipitated from the positive electrode, 10% of the pores of the diaphragm must be kept free from the electrolyte, that is, the lean liquid design. The electrode group is fitted tightly so that the plate is fully in contact with the electrolyte.


At the same time, in order to ensure sufficient battery life, the plate should be designed to be thick. AGM type sealed battery electrolyte amount is less, plate thickness is thicker, active substance utilization rate is lower than open type battery, so the battery discharge capacity is about 10% lower than open type battery. The discharge capacity is smaller than that of today's colloidal sealed batteries.



Compared with the same specification battery, the price is higher, but has the following advantages:

1. Cycle charging capacity is 3 times higher than lead-calcium battery, with longer service life.

2. It has higher capacitance stability in the whole service life cycle.

3. Low temperature performance is more reliable.

4. Reduce accident risk, reduce environmental pollution risk (due to acid 100% sealed pack)

5. Maintenance is simple to reduce deep discharge.


Colloidal lead-acid battery with gel-like electrolyte, no free liquid exists inside, under the same volume of electrolyte capacity, large heat capacity, heat dissipation ability is strong, can prevent the general battery prone to thermal runaway phenomenon; The electrolyte concentration is low, the corrosion of the plate is weak; The concentration is uniform and there is no delamination of electrolyte.


It has the following characteristics:

1. The vapor phase silica preparation of high-quality colloid, electrolyte distribution is uniform, there is no acid stratification phenomenon.

2. Electrolyte is gel fixed state, no flow, no leakage, so that the plate each part of the reaction is uniform.

3. Adopt tight assembly technology, with excellent high rate discharge performance.

4. Excessive electrolyte, large heat capacity of battery, strong heat dissipation ability, wide working temperature range.

5. All high purity raw materials, battery self-discharge is very small.

6. Using gas recombination technology, the battery has a high sealing reaction efficiency, no acid mist precipitation, safety and environmental protection, no pollution.

7. Adopt special design and high reliable sealing technology to ensure the battery seal, safe and reliable use.