

Industry information

Battery life detection, how many years is the service life of the lead-acid battery?

来源:www.hblhnykj.com作者:Hubei Lham时间:2024-01-26

Ordinary battery is also known as lead-acid battery, its electrode is composed of lead and lead oxide, electrolyte is sulfuric acid aqueous solution. The main advantages are stable voltage and cheap price; The disadvantage is frequent routine maintenance. Old ordinary batteries generally have a life of about 2 years, and the height of the electrolyte needs to be checked regularly and distilled water added.


Maintenance-free battery, as the name suggests, the biggest feature is "maintenance-free". There is basically no need to replenish distilled water during the service life. It also has the characteristics of shock resistance, high temperature resistance, small size and small self-discharge. Of course, relatively, its price will be more expensive than ordinary batteries. As for the service life, the recommended replacement cycle of maintenance-free batteries under normal circumstances is about 3 years.


Electric vehicle batteries are generally lead-acid batteries, which can be used for about 2 years in normal use, and are related to personal car habits. To eliminate the misdirection of charge with use, the charging demand should be determined according to the power consumption, in the following ways: In the case of 100% use of electricity, the general charging time will be 8 to 10 hours, not more than 12 hours (will have an impact on battery life), it is not recommended to use up the electricity each time, it is generally recommended that the power consumption is about 70% of the charging time is generally 6 to 8 hours. If you are a short trip, the following is recommended: When the daily electricity consumption is 10%, you can charge it once a week. When the daily electricity consumption is 20%, it can be charged once every three days. When the daily electricity consumption is 30%, it can be charged once every two days. When the daily electricity consumption is more than 40%, it can be charged once a day, and the charging time is generally about 6 hours under control. Put an end to the long time after discharge without charging, long time use, it is necessary to do: before shelving the battery must be fully charged, and under the premise of full charge, it is generally recommended that the battery must be replenished in 2 to 3 months, if conditions are best 1 to 2 months charge once; When not in use, electric vehicles need to be stored in a ventilated and cool room, the load line is disconnected after the battery pack is fully charged, because the self-discharge of the lead-acid battery itself will cause sulfation, if not supplemented for a long time will cause capacity recovery difficulties to affect the life, so it is generally recommended that the battery must be supplemented in 2 to 3 months to facilitate battery life. At present, the after-sales method on the market: the warranty period of the battery manufacturer to the dealer is generally 15 months, the first 8 months after 7, because of the quality problem of the battery itself within 8 months to replace the new battery, 9 to 11 months to replace the turnover battery, 12 to 15 months to replace the maintenance battery. At present, in the secondary market, the shelf life is generally given to the user for one year, because there is a certain cycle from the factory to the distributor and then to the repair shop.

The life of the battery is generally about 2-3 years, if used and maintained properly, it can be used for more than 4 years. If not used and maintained properly, it will be damaged early in a few months. When the battery is in use, the height of the electrolyte should be checked regularly, and the storage status of the battery should be checked and supplemented in time. Battery maintenance is relatively simple, do a good job of electrolyte supplement, battery and pole pile cleaning and battery specific gravity control work, you can effectively extend the service life of the battery. Due to the widespread use of maintenance-free batteries, batteries generally do not require maintenance under normal working conditions.


Domestic monomer 12V lead-acid battery design floating life is 5-8 years, but 1-2 years has been completely scrapped; No matter any lead-acid battery (including domestic and imported), it can not escape the cycle of early scrapping in use. This is the invention of the lead-acid battery for more than 140 years, the world's recognized worldwide problem - "irreversible vulcanization" of lead-acid batteries, which has led to a significant reduction in the service life of the battery, and the battery is scrapped in advance.


Lead acid battery scrap causes and performance:


There are factors of the inherent quality of the battery, as well as factors of the battery use method and occasion, but more than 80% is still due to the electrochemical reaction principle of the lead-acid battery itself. The battery is a power source that can be charged and discharged in a reversible reaction, after discharge, the substance in the battery reaction is converted into a crystal called lead sulfate, and after charging, lead sulfate is converted into lead and sulfuric acid, so reversible reaction. However, when the reaction conditions are not complete and sufficient, lead sulfate can not be completely converted, so that lead sulfate accumulation, thereby reducing the number of substances involved in the reaction, reflected in the output of the battery is less and less battery capacity, and eventually lose basic functions, become waste. This phenomenon of lead-acid batteries is called "vulcanization" (also known as aging).


In the process of charge and discharge of lead-acid battery, lead sulfate crystals are gradually produced on the electrode plate. This phenomenon leads to the aging of the battery, which is manifested as: the battery is difficult to charge and discharge; Reduced battery capacity; Further promote the corrosion of the electrode plate and reduce the service life of the battery, the lead-acid battery maintenance instrument makes the above problems solved. It can completely restore the expired battery caused by lead sulfate crystals. While it brings huge economic benefits to users, it also saves a lot of natural resources and energy for the country, and reduces the serious pollution of waste batteries to the environment. The wide application of this technology will bring great benefits to economy, environment and society.


The normal service life varies from 1 to 8 years, which has a lot to do with the condition of the vehicle. It can be used for more than 3 years when the backflush of the vehicle generator is normal and the electrical appliances have no leakage.


Car batteries are designed in such a way that they operate efficiently in temperate zones. Extreme climatic conditions, especially cold weather, affect a battery of life. The energy produced by the battery is a result of a chemical reaction. How much colder it is, and how much energy is needed to trigger this chemical reaction. As a result, the energy required for the battery exceeds the cost and begins to leave. The car that consistently runs in such a climate is destined to shorten your life of the car.


From the point of view of use and maintenance, whether your car is loaded with maintenance-free batteries or ordinary batteries, the normal service life is about 2-3 years. As for extending the service life, the ordinary battery can be used for about 3 years after the addition of electrolyte, thereby extending the life of 1-2 years, as for the maintenance-free battery, or directly replaced it, basically no repair.