

Industry information

Battery forklift maintenance cycle

来源:www.hblhnykj.com作者:Hubei Lham时间:2024-04-25

The battery forklift is an indispensable equipment in modern industry, working for a long time every day and often working in harsh environments, so the maintenance work is particularly important. There are many factors that affect the service life of battery forklift trucks, such as messy factory environment, improper daily operation, irregular maintenance and so on. In order to extend the service life of the battery forklift truck, it is necessary to maintain and maintain it regularly. The following details the battery forklift maintenance cycle.


Daily maintenance is the basis for the battery forklift to maintain good condition. Daily maintenance includes the following aspects:


1. Clean the battery forklift. The factory environment is noisy and dusty, and it is necessary to clean the battery forklift frequently. You can use a water gun or a clean cloth to clean the body and oil lines, electrical wiring and other parts.


2. Check the battery electrolyte level. The electrolyte level of the battery is very critical, and the low liquid level will reduce the motor power and affect the service life of the battery forklift. When checking the electrolyte level, stop the car first, and then open the cover of the battery to check whether the liquid level is within the normal range. If the liquid level is low, it is necessary to add liquid in time.


3. Summarize the dashboard. There are many lights and switches on the instrument panel of the battery forklift truck, which need to be summarized frequently to prevent failure.


4. Check your tires. The tire is an important part to carry the weight of the battery forklift truck. The wear of the tire will affect the driving performance of the battery forklift truck. When checking the tires, you should check the wear of the tires, if the tires are seriously worn, you need to replace the new tires.


5.Check the brake system. The braking system of battery forklift truck is an important system to ensure safety, and it should be checked frequently whether the braking system is sensitive and whether the braking is uniform.


Weekly maintenance

Weekly maintenance is the supplement and strengthening of daily maintenance, and is an important part of battery forklift maintenance. The weekly maintenance of bottle forklift truck includes the following aspects:


1. Replace the oil and filter. The operation of the battery forklift engine requires sufficient lubrication, so the replacement of oil and filter is very necessary. The oil and filter replacement cycle is generally 3 months.


2. Clean the air filter. The air filter is an important part of the battery forklift engine, and it needs to be cleaned frequently to ensure that the engine gets sufficient and clean air. The cleaning cycle of the air filter is generally 6 months.


3. Check brake fluid. Brake fluid is an important part of the battery forklift braking system, which needs periodic inspection to ensure normal liquid level and liquid pH. The brake fluid replacement cycle is generally 1 year.


4. Lubricate machine parts. The various machine parts of the battery forklift need frequent lubrication to ensure normal operation. The lubrication cycle is usually 2 months.



Quarterly maintenance


Quarterly maintenance is an important link in the maintenance of battery forklift trucks, and it is also a supplement to daily maintenance and weekly maintenance. The main contents of quarterly maintenance include:


1. Replace the coolant. The engine of the battery forklift truck generates a lot of heat when it runs, and the role of the coolant is to dissipate this heat. The coolant replacement cycle is generally half a year.


2. Check the battery. The battery is the power source of the battery forklift, it is necessary to check the battery power and charging situation frequently, if the power is insufficient or insufficient charging, it is necessary to charge or replace the battery in time.


3.Check the steering system. The steering system is an important system to ensure the normal steering of the battery forklift truck, which needs periodic inspection to ensure sufficient oil and sensitive steering system.


Annual maintenance

Annual maintenance is the most important link in the maintenance of battery forklift trucks, and it is also the integration of other maintenance. The main contents of annual maintenance include:


1. Replace all liquids. Including oil, brake fluid, coolant, etc., to ensure that all liquids are fresh.


2.Check all electrical systems. The electrical system is the core part of the battery forklift and needs to be comprehensively inspected to prevent failure.


3. Replace all filters. All filters need to be replaced regularly to ensure that the engine of the battery forklift has sufficient intake and fuel.


4. Check all machine parts. All machine parts need to be thoroughly inspected to prevent wear and tear of parts leading to failure.


The above is a detailed introduction to the battery forklift maintenance cycle. Regular maintenance and maintenance can not only extend the service life of the battery forklift, but also improve the efficiency and safety of the battery forklift. For different maintenance cycles, users can develop specific maintenance plans to ensure that the battery forklift truck gets a better performance in the work.