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How long is the water cycle of forklift battery

来源:本站作者:Hubei Lham时间:2022-09-20

Forklift battery water is one of the most important work in battery maintenance, battery use and cycle life is also inseparable with daily maintenance, regular water to the battery helps to maintain its capacity, and can extend its service life and running time. Not only will this reduce downtime and increase productivity, it will also reduce the cost of battery replacement.


In the process of charging, discharging and storage, the battery of electric forklift will evaporate part of water due to the use environment and internal high temperature reaction. Lead-acid battery forklift in daily charging process, the water in the electrolyte is electrolytic hydrogen and oxygen, especially when the end of charging, at this time of the electrolyte temperature is very high, chemical reaction in the forklift battery is very severe, electrolyte, bubbles battery heats up, the water in the electrolyte, is more easy to electrolytic hydrogen and oxygen. Over time, the forklift battery will run out of water. If you do not add water to the battery of the electric forklift truck, the battery will be in a state of water shortage for a long time, which will shorten the service time and end the life in advance.

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How long is the water filling cycle of forklift battery?

The charge and discharge of forklift battery will lead to the evaporation of electrolytic water. How often do we add distilled water? Forklift battery is generally added once a month or so, according to the workload and frequency of work to determine the number of forklift battery water and water, if the battery is not equipped with automatic refueling system, after charging, to check the height of the electrolyte. When the liquid level is below the allowable level (isolation plate height or specified height), qualified distilled water should be added to the specified height; If the liquid level is higher than the allowable level, it should be pumped to the specified height. Electric forklift water is mainly to protect the battery group, so that each time the charge amount remains the same; Electric forklift in the use of the battery power supply will heat, water consumption, otherwise the battery heat is not timely, will directly affect the life of the battery.


How to add water to batteries scientifically 

1.What water?

Water replenishment for forklift batteries should be added with distilled water or deionized water, do not add battery stock solution or tap water. The battery stock solution will dilute or increase the specific gravity of the electrolyte, resulting in battery performance degradation. Tap water contains too much impurities, will lead to thin battery reaction, long-term addition of tap water may cause short circuit, damage the battery. Supplement water should be distilled water, do not replace with drinking pure water. Because purified water contains a variety of trace elements, it will cause adverse effects on forklift battery.

2. when to add water to the battery?

Battery use process is not recommended to add water, should be at the end of the charging water (an hour before the end of charging), charging the battery internal bubble billow, violent reaction, at this time add water can let the original electrolyte and water fully mixed together, play the proportion of the balance effect.

3. Battery water refill tool

The intelligent water adding system of the battery can solve various disadvantages of manual water adding maintenance and reduce the service life loss of the battery caused by improper maintenance. Battery intelligent water system is the company independent research and development of patented products, is a battery development in view of the rich fluid automatic filling equipment, can fully replace the artificial water battery maintenance operations, real-time monitoring of battery and dehydration, automatic filling water, with water induction automatic stop, after the installation of equipment can keep the electrolyte level the entire in health, to ensure that the battery electrolyte features stable, balance, Optimize the efficiency of storage battery equipment and extend the service life of storage battery.

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Hubei Lham Energy Tech Co., Ltd. has been focusing on battery related accessories industry, the main products are: battery status indicator, battery safety valve (exhaust plug), battery equalizer, battery water gun, battery level alarm, battery automatic water refill system, etc. For more information about battery water maintenance skills, please pay attention to our official website: www.hblhnykj.com