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​Do you know the correct steps for filling a battery with water

来源:www.hblhnykj.com作者:Hubei Lham时间:2023-05-24

Adding water to a battery is the process of replenishing the electrolyte in the battery to the standard level. The electrolyte in the battery will gradually decrease over time, and water needs to be added regularly to ensure the normal operation of the battery. However, it is important to note that excessive or improper addition of water can cause damage to the battery.



Proper procedure for adding water to battery


The correct steps for filling a battery are as follows:


1. Confirm refill time: Generally, the battery needs to be refilled once a month. However, if the battery is operated for a long time and used more frequently, water will be added more frequently.


2. Check the battery: Before adding water, you need to check the condition of the battery. If the battery surface damage or electrolyte leakage, need to repair or replace.


3. Open the cap: Use a wrench or torque wrench to open the cap. Be careful not to exert too much force to avoid damaging the cap.


4. Check the liquid level: Use a transparent liquid level tube or directly observe the liquid level in the battery. If the liquid level is below the standard level, water needs to be added.


5. Add water: Use distilled or deionized water to add water. When adding water, pour it slowly to avoid air entering the battery. When adding water, ensure that the level does not exceed the standard level, and do not go below the lower level.


7. Check the sealing of the electric bottle cap: After adding water, check the sealing of the electric bottle cap. If the cap is not sealed properly, the electrolyte will leak.



Battery filling process

1. Prepare tools: wrench or torque wrench, transparent liquid level pipe, distilled water or deionized water.


2. Find the battery: The battery is usually located in the engine compartment of the vehicle. Before adding water, you need to turn off electrical equipment such as the engine and headlights.


3. The use of water special tools - battery watering gun, lead-acid battery water operation is complicated and easy to error, manual water control is not accurate, add too much or insufficient water will affect the battery characteristics balance and lead to the battery life is shortened, the operator face acid corrosion is easy to have safety risks. Lham battery watering gun is a battery water maintenance tool independently developed by Lham. Built-in water pump, mobile power supply, liquid level induction circuit, can easily water to the battery, one key water supply, automatic induction shut down, can effectively ensure the consistency of water level, can effectively improve the efficiency of water maintenance, ensure the consistency of battery unit characteristics after water maintenance. Improve battery efficiency and service life.


battery watering gun.jpg

This section describes how to configure a battery water nozzle

1. Connect the hose to the water inlet, and place the end in distilled water or deionized water

2. Before adding water to the battery, adjust the limit stop to an appropriate position and lock it according to usage requirements

3. When it is necessary to add water, place the muzzle into the battery filling plug, press the water filling switch, and the water filling gun starts to work. Water is pumped from the water inlet, and water is injected into the single cell of the target battery through the muzzle.

4. When the liquid level meets the requirements, the water nozzle will automatically stop working, and the working indicator will turn red. In order to avoid the failure of the water charging switch at this time, remove the muzzle from the battery, and the water charging switch will return to normal function.


This is the end of the explanation of the correct steps to add water to the battery, I hope to help you! For more information about battery maintenance, please pay attention to our official website: www.hblhnykj.com