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How to fill the battery correctly? What is the standard for adding distilled water?

来源:www.hblhnykj.com作者:Hubei Lham时间:2023-06-13

Automobile battery, as a loss-prone component, when the electrolyte is reduced to a certain extent, it is naturally necessary to replenish the electrolyte in time. But when you ask how much distilled water is appropriate for the battery, many small partners are not clear. So, how much distilled water is appropriate to add, and what needs attention when filling.


Standard for the filling of distilled water in batteries?


The battery liquid is added to the standard 10-15mm.


1, the so-called battery repair to the liquid, is distilled water, because the battery is consumed in the process of use is water, repair liquid may also be distilled water with a little battery sulfuric acid;


2, how much to add depends on the water shortage of the battery, you can first add 10ml to see, generally higher than the battery plate 10-15mm;


3, be careful not to have the repair solution overflow when charging, you can observe at any time, adjust at any time. After adding water, it is best to charge the battery in order to play a stirring role.


 battery watering gun.jpg

Water bottle add water to what position?


Water and electricity bottle added to the battery to cover the lead plate 1Cm can, in fact, add the bottle and water to the cover just to cover the lead plate can also be used, the main electricity use process, the main main consumption of water in the battery, once the battery water is lower than the lead plate will cause the lead plate oxidation crystallization, so that the lead plate is reduced, irrecoverable, and then the battery capacity decreases, so added to the plate 1Cm, you can avoid frequent water, Adding more is easy to make the electrohydraulic overflow, corrosion of the east frame, and it will be better to add more if it is not overflowing.


How to fill the battery correctly?


The operation and maintenance costs of traditional lead-acid batteries mainly include daily water addition, cleaning and maintenance, fault repair and so on. Traditional manual water addition maintenance also needs to bear labor costs and risk costs such as personnel flow, individual skill differences, employee training, time costs, etc. Once the water is neglected, the battery dies of thirst or the battery life decreases, which will dramatically increase the operation and maintenance cost of the battery.


At this stage, more and more people will consider automatic hydration, reduce safety risks, and improve work efficiency. Then you can use the battery special water adding tool - battery water adding gun for water adding work.


Lham battery water gun is a battery water maintenance tool independently developed by Lianhong. Built-in water pump, mobile power supply, liquid level induction circuit, can easily fill the battery water, one key water supply, water full induction stop, can effectively ensure the consistency of the water level, there is no need to worry about the problem of uneven water, can effectively improve the efficiency of water maintenance, to ensure the consistency of battery unit characteristics after water maintenance. Improve battery performance and service life.


In short, the battery needs regular inspection and maintenance to ensure its normal service life. The correct method of adding water and maintenance is very important, I hope the above content can help you.