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Electric vehicle lead-acid battery can be used for a few years? What causes the shortened life of lead-acid batteries

来源:www.hblhnykj.com作者:Hubei Lham时间:2023-10-30

The service life of lead-acid batteries in electric vehicles is a concern for many consumers. In general, the service life of electric vehicle lead-acid batteries is 1-3 years, but the specific life depends on a variety of factors.



This article will analyze the service life of electric bicycle lead-acid battery from three perspectives: the principle of lead-acid battery, the factors that easily lead to the shortening of lead-acid battery life and how to correctly maintain lead-acid battery.

First, lead-acid battery principle


A lead-acid battery is a storage battery, mainly composed of a positive plate, a negative plate, an electrolyte and a diaphragm. The positive plate is lead dioxide, the negative plate is lead, and the electrolyte is sulfuric acid solution.


When the battery is discharged, lead dioxide on the positive plate reacts with lead on the negative plate to form lead sulfate and water, while electrons flow from the negative plate to the positive plate through the external circuit to form a current. When charging, the current flows from the positive plate to the negative plate through the external circuit, reducing the lead sulfate to lead dioxide and lead.

Second, factors that are easy to lead to shorter lead-acid battery life


1. the use of environment: high temperature, low temperature, humidity and other harsh environment will affect the battery life. Especially in the high temperature environment, the battery electrolyte is easy to evaporate and lose, resulting in shortened battery life.


2. charging time: Overcharging or undercharging will lead to shortened battery life. Overcharging will cause the water in the electrolyte to break down to produce hydrogen and oxygen, causing the pressure inside the battery to rise and even explode. Insufficient charging will vulcanize the battery and reduce its capacity.


3. charger selection: The use of mismatched chargers or inferior chargers will lead to undercharging or overcharging of the battery, thus affecting the battery life.

Third, how to maintain the lead-acid battery correctly


1. Correct charging: Follow the correct charging method to avoid overcharging and undercharging. Generally speaking, the charging time should not exceed 8 hours, and the charging should be kept well ventilated to avoid charging in a high or low temperature environment.

2. regular inspection: regularly check the battery power, voltage and other indicators, timely detection and treatment of possible problems, if found that the battery bulge should be replaced in time.


3. keep clean: keep the battery clean and dry, to avoid battery surface corrosion and pollution. Clean with a damp cloth, but do not rinse with water.


4. replace the damaged parts: timely replacement of the damaged battery or related accessories, to avoid affecting the performance and life of the whole battery.



Iv. Conclusion


Electric vehicle lead-acid battery life depends on a variety of factors, consumers in the use of the process should pay attention to maintenance and maintenance, choose reliable quality of the battery and the correct way of charging, in order to extend the battery life.


Avoid using batteries in harsh environments such as high temperature, low temperature and humidity, follow the correct charging method, regularly check the battery's power, voltage and other indicators, and keep the battery clean and dry are effective ways to extend battery life.


At the same time, timely replacement of damaged batteries or battery components is also an important measure to maintain battery performance and life. Through reasonable use and maintenance, the service life of electric bicycle lead-acid battery can be extended, and the use efficiency of electric bicycle can be improved.