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Does the lead acid battery Equalizer work? How to use it

来源:www.hblhnykj.com作者:Hubei Lham时间:2024-03-22

The lead acid battery equalizer can effectively extend the service life of the lead acid battery and improve the charging efficiency. When using, you need to pay attention to buy your own equalizer and follow the correct use method.


First, the role of lead-acid battery equalizer


Lead Acid Battery Balancer (Lead Acid Battery Balancer) is a special equalizer for lead acid batteries. The main function is to balance the power of lead acid batteries, thereby improving the charging efficiency and extending the service life of the batteries.


In the use of lead-acid batteries, due to the difference in the resistance, capacitance and other parameters of each battery, the discharge and charge time of the battery are different, and the power distribution is uneven. In the long run, some batteries are easy to overcharge and overdischarge, which seriously affects the service life and performance of lead-acid batteries. The lead-acid battery equalizer verifies the voltage and current between the batteries, adjusts the battery charge and discharge state, and equalizes the battery power distribution, thereby avoiding these problems and improving the service life of the lead-acid battery.


Battery equalizer, also known as battery balancer, is an electronic protection device that prevents the voltage imbalance between battery cells inside the battery from reducing the service life. When the voltage imbalance between battery cells, different battery cells charge and discharge speed is different, a battery cell is charged at the same time, other battery cells are in the state of overcharge or undercharge, and overcharge or undercharge will damage the battery, resulting in reduced battery capacity and shortened life. The battery equalizer can ensure the power balance between battery cells in real time, thereby extending the battery life by 5-30%.


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Two, how to use lead-acid battery equalizer?


1. Purchase an appropriate equalizer

Lead acid battery equalizers come in a variety of models and specifications, and different equalizers are suitable for different battery packs. Before use, you need to choose an appropriate equalizer according to your battery pack and voltage level. When purchasing, you can compare the product parameters, functions, quality and other aspects to choose a cost-effective equalizer. It is recommended to choose a professional equalizer manufacturer to purchase, and the product quality is more guaranteed.


Lianhong battery equalizer is an active balancing system independently developed and produced by our company. At present, there are three models available: 24V, 48V and 60V. We can choose according to the actual use needs. It solves the charge and discharge balance problem of electric forklift, electric vehicle, electric tractor and other battery packs, and effectively extends the battery range and battery life.




2. Install the equalizer correctly

A lead-acid battery equalizer must be installed between the positive and negative terminals of a battery string. Connect the positive and negative terminals of a battery string to the positive and negative terminals of an equalizer.

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3. Set equalizer parameters properly

Different equalizer Settings have different parameters. Before using the equalizer, set the equalizer parameters according to the instruction manual to ensure the normal operation of the equalizer.



4. Use the equalizer properly

The lead-acid battery equalizer can only be used when the battery is charged, and cannot be used when the battery is discharged. At the same time, follow the normal charging and discharging process, and do not arbitrarily adjust the charging and discharging current and time.



5. Regular testing and maintenance

For the long-term use of lead-acid battery equalizers, you need to periodically check and maintain them, for example, check the connections and working status of the equalizers to ensure their normal running.


In short, the lead acid battery equalizer can effectively extend the service life of the lead acid battery and improve the charging efficiency. When using, you need to pay attention to buy your own equalizer, follow the correct use method, and regularly test and maintain to achieve the best use effect. For more information about equalizer, please call: 0710-3313598