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How to deal with battery water shortage? Battery water shortage solution

来源:www.hblhnykj.com作者:Hubei Lham时间:2024-05-17

China is known as the 'kingdom of electric vehicles', and according to statistics, the number of two-wheeled electric vehicles alone exceeds 300 million. This scale naturally leads to a problem: there are many electric vehicles that fail every day. As a result, electric vehicle repair shops can be found all over the country.


Battery is one of the most prone to failure of electric vehicles, as the core of electric vehicles, it will directly affect the owner's travel once there is a problem. However, it is worth noting that battery failure is largely unavoidable, especially as the use of electric vehicles increases, the battery is more prone to problems. The repair shop usually recommends that the owner replace the new battery, but frequent replacement is not environmentally friendly and will increase the economic burden of the owner.


For electric vehicles used for a long time, there are three common battery failures: water shortage, crystallization and loss of power. These problems will affect the battery storage, discharge performance and life, resulting in slower driving speed and shorter driving range of electric vehicles. But a significant advantage of the lead-acid battery is that it can be repaired. Below, we will introduce the repair methods of these three common faults in detail, especially the repair of water shortage.


The battery consists of electrolyte, lead plate and other components, in which the electrolyte is the only liquid part, made of distilled water and sulfuric acid mixed. It plays an important role in conducting electricity and chemical reactions during battery storage and discharge. However, over time, the battery will lose water, resulting in a higher concentration of sulfuric acid, accelerating the corrosion of the battery components, which in turn reduces the battery capacity, triggering crystallization and leakage.

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In order to avoid this situation, we need to understand the causes of battery water shortage and solutions. The lack of water is mainly due to the heat generated by the battery during the charging and discharging process, resulting in the evaporation of water in the electrolyte. Usually the electrolyte of the maintenance-free battery can maintain water for about 3 years, but poor use habits may accelerate the loss of water. At this time, it is necessary to timely water. There is a battery water shortage alarm can help the owner to understand the water shortage of the battery in time, remind the owner to add water maintenance, to ensure the normal use of the battery and extend its life.


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Manual water capacity often appears water omission, less, more and other problems, will cause battery damage, affect its service life, for this problem, a set of automatic water supply system can be easily solved, complete replacement of manual water maintenance: When to add water, how to add, how much to add the problem, completely complete the automatic replacement of the manual link in the water adding maintenance, the manual water adding maintenance into the automatic maintenance of equipment.


Battery automatic water supply system is a patented product independently developed by Lianhong, real-time monitoring of battery water shortage, automatic water supply, full water induction stop, after installation can keep the electrolyte level in a healthy state, ensure stable and balanced battery electrolyte characteristics, optimize battery efficiency, and effectively extend battery life.


The above tools can make the water supply operation more accurate and convenient, and avoid the problem of inaccurate control, excessive or insufficient water addition that may occur when manually adding water.