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How to deal with the problem of "starving to death, supporting death and not durable" in lead-acid batteries? Master teach you the solution!

来源:www.hblhnykj.com作者:Hubei Lham时间:2024-07-18

How to deal with the problem of "starving to death, supporting death and not durable" in lead-acid batteries? Master teach you the solution!


The quality of the battery directly affects the endurance of the electric vehicle and the overall use of the feeling, why some users of an electric bike riding four or five years of the battery is normal, but some electric vehicles only use a year, the battery is not good? In the final analysis, it is whether the battery maintenance of electric vehicles is in place.

The most likely problems of electric vehicle batteries are nothing more than "starving to death", not durable, etc., these problems have great damage to the battery, so how to deal with these problems?


Battery starved to death

Many users know that if the electric vehicle is idle for a long time, it will often show a lack of power when used again, or compared with the power before the idle, there is a significant reduction, if the frequency of electric vehicle use is not high, it is necessary to be alert to the battery "starving to death", which is the case of excessive battery discharge.


The situation of excessive discharge of the battery will appear more in lead-acid batteries, lead-acid batteries because of their own characteristics, even when not in use will have discharge phenomenon. The main reasons for self-discharge are too large sulfuric acid concentration, electrolyte impurity, battery plate active material off and so on. In addition to the self-discharge phenomenon of lead-acid batteries, as the intelligent development of electric vehicles becomes faster and faster, more humanized functions such as AI voice control and mobile phone Bluetooth unlock have appeared, although these functions facilitate the use of electric vehicles, but in the daily use of electric vehicles, in order to ensure flexible functions, even if the electric vehicle is in a state of power failure, even if the electric vehicle is in a state of power failure. Smart systems also require weak current maintenance functions, so seemingly unused electric vehicles may actually be silently discharging.


Therefore, when the electric vehicle is not used for a long time, the air switch of the battery can be turned off, and even if the car is not used, it is best to charge the car once a month to maintain the vitality of the battery.


The battery is dead

Battery "dead" is usually said to be overcharged battery, overcharged battery is easy to produce bulge phenomenon, serious may also bring danger. The battery voltage is fixed, the original charger is generally consistent with the battery voltage level, after full charge will enter the floating charge state, that is, after the battery is full, use a small current to continue charging the battery, also known as trickle charging, will not cause damage to the battery. However, when the electric vehicle battery is charged using a high-voltage charger, the battery voltage cannot rise to the highest voltage value of the charger, and the entire charging process has been maintained at a high voltage, and the battery can be deformed in a short time (generally within 10 hours).


The use of high-voltage chargers can not reach the high voltage of the charger, the display light will not be able to turn green, and the main charging device will continue to charge, resulting in battery heating, deformation, and so on, reducing battery life.


Therefore, when charging an electric vehicle, a charger that corresponds to the battery voltage level should be selected.


The battery is not durable.

There are many reasons why the battery is not durable, some are caused by improper use, and some are not durable after replacing the battery.


Sometimes not durable is not necessarily a problem in itself, some long-used electric vehicles, other parts such as motors, brake controllers, etc., aging phenomenon, so that the natural increase in resistance during riding, but also have a significant impact on the battery life, the other is if the owner changes the battery, choose to reduce the weight of the lightweight battery, the battery naturally appears not durable. Although the aging problem of parts is not easy to solve, if the battery is selected correctly, it will be relatively more durable and run far.


Therefore, when replacing the battery, pay attention to not choosing after-sales or refurbished batteries, not choosing recycled lead batteries, replacing graphene lead-acid batteries, etc.