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What are the operation errors of battery refill for forklift truck?

来源:www.hblhnykj.com作者:Hubei Lham时间:2024-08-01

As we all know, the battery of the battery forklift needs to be replenished frequently. This is because the battery electrolyte is composed of a certain proportion of sulfuric acid and distilled water, in the process of charging and use, the temperature of the battery will rise, the concentration of the electrolyte will also increase, easy to form corrosion. Therefore, the distilled water must be added in time to ensure the normal operation of the battery. However, adding water to the battery also has a lot of attention, if it is not operated according to the regulations, it is likely to damage the battery and affect normal operation. Electric forklift manufacturers remind that to avoid these two operation errors for battery water supply.


First, can you pour the drinking water you usually drink into the battery of the battery forklift? The answer is no. Because the battery has high requirements for water quality, ordinary drinking water often contains too many impurities and trace elements, and cannot meet the standards of battery water. Battery water should meet the JB/ T10053-1999 standard requirements, if not in accordance with the provisions of distilled water or professional rehydration, it will cause damage to the battery, shorten the life of the battery forklift. Therefore, the electric forklift manufacturer reminds that it is not necessary to use daily drinking water to supplement water for the battery.



Secondly, can the battery of the battery forklift be filled with water at any time? The answer is that it depends on time and situation. If the battery electrolyte is insufficient, the distilled water should be added in time. However, the driver should also carefully observe whether the electrolyte reduction is caused by normal charging and use. Sometimes, the water shortage of the battery forklift is because the battery shell is damaged or the battery filling cover is not tightly covered. If you only add water as soon as you see the decrease of the electrolyte, it is easy to reduce the density of the electrolyte and affect the normal operation of the battery. Moreover, many drivers choose to replenish the battery after the end of the work, which is actually unscientific. In this way, the distilled water added may not be fully integrated with the original electrolyte of the battery, which is easy to cause the battery to discharge itself or damage the battery plate, therefore, the electric forklift manufacturer recommends that it is best to replenish the battery of the forklift truck before going out.


Manual water capacity often appears water omission, less, more and other problems, will cause battery damage, affect its service life, for this problem, a set of automatic water supply system can be easily solved, complete replacement of manual water maintenance: When to add water, how to add, how much to add the problem, completely complete the automatic replacement of the manual link in the water adding maintenance, the manual water adding maintenance into the automatic maintenance of equipment.


Forklift battery automatic water refill system is a kind of automatic water refill equipment developed for liquid rich battery, which can completely replace the manual water refill maintenance operation of the battery, real-time monitoring of the battery water shortage, automatic water refill, full water induction automatic stop, after installation, the electrolyte level can be kept in a healthy state throughout the whole process to ensure the stable and balanced characteristics of the battery electrolyte. Optimize the efficiency of battery equipment and extend battery life.


The battery is very important for the battery forklift, and its normal operation is a necessary condition for the efficient operation of the battery forklift. Adding water to a battery is not as simple as opening the refill cap and filling it with water. What kind of water should be added, when to add water, and what situation needs to be added water are all things that need to be mastered. Electric forklift manufacturers remind that to avoid the above two misunderstandings, correct water supply, timely water supply, in order to ensure the good operation of the battery and extend the service life of the battery.