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Automobile battery knowledge popularization - how to maintain the battery

来源:www.hblhnykj.com作者:Hubei Lham时间:2022-12-14

The battery is an essential part of the car, for the car start and inside the electronic equipment to provide electricity. However, most owners usually do not pay attention to the car battery, so some problems caused by the battery are common, so we give it a certain amount of attention. And about the car battery, the following is to introduce some knowledge of the car battery.

Automobile battery type introduction

Automobile battery is divided into wet charge battery, dry charge battery, less maintenance battery and maintenance free battery. Car battery product label is generally similar to "6-QAW-54A", Q represents the car battery, 6 represents the use of six single cell battery, A and W represent the type of battery, A means dry charge battery, W means free maintenance battery, if not standard, it means ordinary battery, 54 means the rated capacity of the battery 54Ah, a represents a generation improvement of the original product (b is generation 2). Nowadays, most cars use maintenance-free batteries, which are more convenient, but the price is relatively high.


Introduction to automobile battery structure

Automobile battery structure is mainly composed of positive and negative plate, partition, electrolyte, tank shell, connecting bar and pole pile. Most early batteries were ordinary lead-acid batteries that required periodic additions of an electrolyte, or distilled water. And now, most batteries using lead calcium alloy grid frame, charging generated less water decomposition, water evaporation is low, coupled with the shell using a sealed structure, the release of sulfuric acid gas is very little, compared with the traditional battery, has no need to add liquid, strong resistance to overcharging ability, starting current, power storage time is long and other advantages.


Knowledge of car battery maintenance

Battery maintenance is a key problem, and the daily maintenance of the car battery is very important. The first is the first charge of the battery, which has a great impact on the battery life and charge capacity. If the charge is insufficient, the battery charge capacity is not high, will reduce the service life; However, if overcharged, the battery electrical performance is good, but it will shorten its service life, so the new battery to master the first charging time.


Moreover, after the car stops, try to reduce the driving of high-power electronic equipment, to avoid excessive battery consumption. If the car is parked for a long time, it is recommended to unplug the negative electrode of the battery to avoid power loss. It is recommended to start the car at least once a week, so that the battery can charge itself when the car is idle. Finally, usually should often scrub the battery, clean the surface dust, oil and white acid etching powder, so as to extend the battery life.