

Industry information

Does the maintenance-free battery need maintenance?

来源:www.hblhnykj.com作者:Hubei Lham时间:2022-11-09

With the rapid development of science and technology, cars have been widely used in the use of maintenance-free batteries. Although there is a maintenance-free title, but in fact it is still the loss of parts in the use of vehicles, unreasonable use habits will also greatly shorten its service life, and because it is located in the cabin, so few people will often check, often after the battery problems will lead to no warning vehicle can not start, let people unprepared, seriously affect the original travel plan. Today, Xiaobian will talk about the difference between maintenance-free batteries and traditional batteries.


We for the maintenance of the battery is needed to maintain, often there are the following misunderstandings.

Myth 1:

In the use of maintenance-free batteries, simply consider that maintenance-free is the need for any maintenance.


Myth 2:

Battery pole pile binding post surface corrosion does not need to be treated, as long as it is not loose. Corrosion occurs on the outer surface, and corrosion occurs on the inner surface of the binding post, which leads to the increase of resistance value and affects the normal charging and discharging of the battery. Therefore, timely treatment is necessary.


Myth 3:

When the liquid level is low, add electrolyte or drinking water. If the electrolyte containing sulfuric acid is added, the concentration of the electrolyte inside the battery will increase, boiling, acid fog and other phenomena may occur, seriously affecting the service life of the battery; Purified water can not be used instead of distilled water, purified water contains a variety of trace elements, have a bad effect on the battery.


In fact, maintenance-free batteries just do not need to check the electrolyte level height often, but it is definitely not to say that maintenance-free batteries installed in the car without management. In fact, maintenance-free battery in the process of use also want to carry out some maintenance, if properly maintained, can greatly extend its service life.


Maintenance-free batteries differ from traditional batteries

Battery according to the existing battery varieties in the market can be roughly divided into two kinds: the traditional lead-acid battery and in recent years just in the domestic popular use of free maintenance battery.


Lead-acid battery is composed of positive and negative plates, bulkheads, shells, electrolytes and wiring piles. The chemical reaction of the discharge is carried out by the active substance of the positive plate and the active substance of the negative plate under the action of the electrolyte (dilute sulfuric acid solution). The grid frame of the plate is made of lead-antimony alloy. Traditional battery in the use process will occur liquid reduction phenomenon, this is because the antimony on the grid will pollute the lead on the negative plate, resulting in excessive decomposition of water, a large number of oxygen and hydrogen escape from the positive and negative plates, so that the electrolyte is reduced.


Maintenance-free battery is made of lead calcium alloy, because the battery uses lead calcium alloy as grid frame, so the water decomposition generated when charging is less, water evaporation is low, plus the shell is sealed structure, the release of sulfuric acid gas is very little, so compared with the traditional battery, it does not need to add any liquid, less corrosion of wiring pile, wire and body, Strong resistance to overcharge, large starting current, long storage time and other advantages.


The electrolyte (water) in the traditional lead-acid battery will be consumed, and water needs to be added regularly; Maintenance-free batteries do not need to be inspected and water (electrolyte) added throughout their life. Generally speaking, the battery water work in regular maintenance by the 4S maintenance workers, is also a very simple maintenance. In terms of performance, there is little difference in performance and durability between maintenance-free and water-added batteries. So for buyers and users, the two kinds of batteries are actually not much different, do not have to maintain the battery to worry about.

Maintenance-free batteries have high requirements on temperature and charging and discharging conditions. When charging with too high voltage, the internal pressure exceeding the threshold will consume water and acid, and ordinary maintenance factories cannot supplement it, so the recovery performance after deterioration is relatively poor. In addition, because it is a battery with poor liquid, the discharge capacity of large current is relatively poor. Less than the same capacity of the ordinary battery.


In the automobile electrical equipment, the battery is an important electrical equipment, but also one of the main power supply of the car, now most cars are used on the maintenance-free battery, a lot of people think: maintenance-free battery without tube.