

Industry information

How to choose lead-acid battery and lithium-ion battery?

来源:www.hblhnykj.com作者:Hubei Lham时间:2023-05-05

According to Xiaobian understand that many consumers go to the place to sell electric car batteries to see the battery brand, model, style too much, it is lead acid is lithium, do not know what kind of battery to choose?


So what's the difference between a lead-acid battery and a lithium battery? Xiaobian summarizes the differences between lithium batteries and lead-acid batteries, hoping to provide a reference for consumers:

1. durability: lead-acid battery general deep charge deep discharge within 400 times, there is memory, life in about two years. If the use is maintenance-free lead-acid battery, it should be noted that the battery loss is less, in use generally do not need to add distilled water. Lithium battery durability is strong, slow consumption, charging and discharging more than 500 times, and no memory, the general life of 4-5 years. In terms of durability, the battery has good shock resistance, the fully charged battery is safely fixed, with 4mm amplitude, 16.7Hz frequency vibration for 1 hour, no leakage, no battery expansion and rupture, open circuit voltage is normal; Good overcharging resistance, 25 degrees Celsius, fully charged state of 0.1CA charging for 48 hours, no leakage, no battery expansion and rupture, open circuit voltage is normal, capacity maintenance rate is more than 95%; Good resistance to high current, fully charged battery 2CA discharge for 5 minutes or 10CA discharge for 5 seconds, no conductive part of the fused, no appearance deformation.


2. volume, quality: general lead-acid battery pack weight is 16-30 kg, large volume; Lithium battery generally in 2.5-3 kg, relatively small size, so light riding, easy handling. As far as quality is concerned, it is difficult to define which is good and which is bad. Consumers can buy good quality brand batteries produced by regular manufacturers according to their needs.


3. Price and warranty period: At present, the mainstream battery on the market is 48 volts. If it is replaced, the lead-acid battery is about 450 yuan, and the warranty period is 1 year. Lithium batteries are relatively expensive, costing about 1,000 yuan, but have a two-year warranty.


4, kilometers: the same 48V battery, in the case of full charge, lead acid battery and lithium battery electric vehicles can travel 30-40 kilometers. The speed depends mainly on the size of the motor used.


5, battery capacity: lead-acid battery capacity of about 20 A; Lithium battery capacity is 8 to 10 amps.


6. Environmental protection: After the state issued the "Access Conditions for Lead Battery Industry" in 2012, the lead acid industry has undergone restructuring and integration, and most of the manufacturers have adopted internalized cadmium and arsenic free green production, which is more environmentally friendly and energy-saving. If the method is not proper, it may cause pollution. Lithium battery in production, recycling, relatively more green environmental protection.