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Which is more cost-effective between lead-acid batteries and lithium-ion batteries?


Lead-acid battery is an electrode made of lead and its oxide, its electrolyte is sulfuric acid solution, the positive important component is lead dioxide, the negative important component is lead. Like lithium-ion batteries, lead-acid batteries are also seriously affected by temperature. The service life of lead-acid batteries increases with the temperature, but gradually decreases after the temperature is above 50 degrees Celsius.


Lead-acid battery sales are much higher than lithium-ion battery sales, the use of more common, if you want to choose a more popular battery, it is undoubtedly the battery. Lead-acid batteries are relatively cheap, that is to say, the cost is relatively high, and its quality is also relatively good, not cheap quality is poor, in general, buy lead-acid storage is more cost-effective. Moreover, in terms of the use effect, it is not bad, explosion-proof configuration is better. If you want to consider how far it can run, it is certainly not better than lithium-ion batteries, but for the average family, the distance it runs is enough, so the use of this battery is a very wise choice.

Lithium-ion batteries also have some electric vehicles in use, this battery is indeed relatively high cost, better to 1000, or even 2000, so many people do not choose to use it because of the price. Its quality is indeed much better than lead-acid batteries. Its weight is relatively light, that is, electric vehicles install it to run farther and use it for a longer time.

But the disadvantage of lithium-ion batteries is that they are more explosive, there are many people who use batteries, and explosions have occurred, especially when the weather is hot, it is more explosive, and try not to use in the summer.

In general, lead-acid batteries are safer to use than lithium-ion batteries, but also more use, most people choose to use lead-acid batteries, there must be a reason for his use. Of course, lithium-ion batteries are also relatively good, and they are indeed better than lead-acid batteries.

In addition, it should be noted that the nominal voltage of a single cell lead-acid battery is 2.0V, and a single lead-acid battery can be connected in series in ordinary applications, such as a lead-acid battery with 12V, 24V or 36V. However, lead-acid batteries have a lower energy density and shorter service life than lithium-ion batteries. The current lithium-ion battery energy density is generally 200 ~ 260wh/g, and lead acid is generally 50 ~ 70wh/g. For new energy vehicles, especially pure electric vehicles, energy density will affect the vehicle's driving range to a certain extent. So from this point of view, lithium-ion batteries are more cost-effective.

In terms of service life, the number of full discharge cycles of lithium-ion batteries is about 1000 times, of which lithium-ion iron phosphate batteries can reach about 2000 times. For lead-acid batteries, the service life is relatively short, and the number of cycles of full discharge is basically about 300 to 350 times. So in terms of service life, lithium-ion batteries are also longer than lead-acid batteries.