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Why do cars still use old lead-acid batteries? What are the characteristics of lead-acid batteries

来源:www.hblhnykj.com作者:Hubei Lham时间:2023-09-14

Just how old-fashioned are lead-acid batteries? It was invented in 1859 by the French Plante, has been more than a hundred years of history, in 1927, the German Bosch company developed the automotive lead-acid battery, since it has been applied to the car so far, there is almost no change in technology.


Car lead-acid battery commonly known as battery, mention it everyone in the brain will emerge a bulky image, the car engine compartment inside that square is dirty, black and heavy is it, but this space and new car heavy things are very help, its function is only to start the engine and turn off the state of the car lights and multimedia for a short time to power. The use intensity is very low, but even so, its life is very short, generally speaking, it can be used for three or four years, and the maintenance can be used for five years.


Compared with the old lead-acid battery, today's battery technology is quite developed, taking the common lithium-ion battery as an example, compared with lead-acid batteries, it has smaller size, larger capacity, longer life and other advantages, mature power lithium-ion batteries can make a pure electric vehicle run five or six hundred kilometers.

So why do conventional fuel cars still use old-fashioned lead-acid batteries as starting batteries? The reasons are as follows:


The first is stability, although lithium-ion batteries are advanced, but the biggest weakness is not resistant to high and low temperatures, and lead-acid batteries are not, even at the low temperature of -50, lead-acid batteries can still start the car, if it is lithium-ion batteries, -15 is sharply attenuated.


Secondly, safety, first, safety in a high temperature environment, we all know that the temperature of the engine compartment of the car is very high, especially the turbocharged model, if it is a lithium-ion battery for a long time in this high temperature environment safety risks are great. The second is the safety of the collision, the starting battery is located at the head of the car, and it is easy to be affected when the car crashes, and the lead-acid battery will not burn and explode even if it is deformed in a collision, which is also a big advantage.


Finally, the economy, lead-acid batteries whether electrode materials, electrolyte or assembly environmental requirements are far lower than lithium-ion batteries, take the electrode material, lead-acid batteries are used low-cost lead oxide and lead sulfate materials, lithium-ion batteries are used lithium cobalt acid, lithium titanate, graphene and other materials, just listen to the name can feel the difference in cost.