

Industry information

The correct step of adding water to the battery, what water does the electric car battery need to add?

来源:www.hblhnykj.com作者:Hubei Lham时间:2023-09-19

Recently, many enthusiastic netizens are very concerned about the correct steps of adding water to the battery, and often see someone add "water" to the battery! What water does electric car battery need to add? This question. Others want to know how to fill water bottles.

Correct steps for adding water to the battery

1.first of all, we can use a voltmeter to test the voltage and current of the battery, if there is a current and voltage is necessary to add water, if there is no current and voltage there is no need to add water, the battery has been completely scrapped, in addition, only lead-acid batteries have the possibility of adding water, lithium batteries are not needed.

2.take out the battery, carefully pry open the top lid, exposing 8 holes,

3.the water added to the battery must be pure water or go to the auto repair shop to buy deionized water, ordinary tap water can not be used

4.use a disposable syringe to absorb enough water, inject into the battery hole, add the amount of water to the side of the scale line height can be added,

5.after adding water, cover and stand for an hour, then cover the cover, plug in the plug to charge,

6.after adding water is to prevent the battery from heating again, but also to increase the durability of the battery. The charging capacity hasn't changed,


Often see someone add "water" to the battery! What water does electric car battery need to add?


Often see someone add "water" to the battery! Some repairmen add water to the customer's battery, and some electric owners add water to the battery themselves.


Then someone asked, what kind of water does the electric car battery add? Can you add water to every battery?


In addition to a small number of vehicles using lithium batteries, the vast majority of electric vehicles now use lead-acid batteries! Lithium batteries do not have the problem of adding water, and the batteries that need to add "water" are mainly lead-acid batteries, especially water batteries.


However, this water is not tap water or bottled drinking water. It's a special electrolyte! Water batteries need to be regularly added electrolyte, otherwise the battery may be scrapped.


Valve-controlled sealed lead-acid batteries use colloidal electrolytes and basically do not need to add "water". Usually, if you add electrolyte, it will dilute the electrolyte inside the battery, and it will not reach the standard of use, but it will damage the battery.


Of course, there is no absolute, if you find that the charger does not change the green light when charging the electric car, that is, the battery has been charged, that is to tell you that the charger is not broken or the battery is short of water. What should be done?


At this time, you can put the battery upside down, pour out the electrolyte in the battery, and then add a new one, otherwise the new electrolyte is not useful.


For battery maintenance, there are electric vehicle maintenance master revealed that the current battery life is basically in one and a half to two years, if more than two years of battery charging the same green light or run not far, you can add an electrolyte to the customer, anyway, the electrolyte is not valuable. It's all about hospitality.


As for those batteries within two years if there is no change in the light or run not far, it is recommended that customers better replace the new battery. In this case, either the car is a problem, or the battery quality is a problem, adding water or not adding water basically makes no difference.