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What is the normal life of electric vehicle battery? How often is the best time to change? Here comes the answer!

来源:www.hblhnykj.com作者:Hubei Lham时间:2023-11-22

Electric vehicles have become the first choice for many people to travel, it is both environmentally friendly and convenient, but there is also a headache, that is, the battery. Battery is the "heart" of electric vehicles, and its performance and life directly affect the endurance and performance of electric vehicles.


Many people want to know, what is the normal life of the electric car battery? How often is the best time to change? These questions may seem simple, but they are not easy to answer. Because the life of the electric vehicle battery is affected by many factors, such as the type of battery, charge and discharge mode, use environment and so on.


So, how do we determine whether our electric car battery needs to be replaced? Are there any simple and effective methods? This article will reveal the answer for you, so that you have a clearer understanding of electric vehicle batteries.


What are the types of electric vehicle batteries?


At present, there are two common electric vehicle batteries on the market: lead-acid batteries and lithium batteries. These two batteries have advantages and disadvantages, let's make a simple comparison:


Advantages of lead-acid battery: cheap, large capacity, suitable for high-power output. Disadvantages: large weight, large volume, low charge and discharge efficiency, short life, internal resistance and vulcanization, pollution to the environment.


Advantages of lithium battery: light weight, small size, high charge and discharge efficiency, long life, no internal resistance and vulcanization phenomenon, no pollution to the environment. Disadvantages: expensive, small capacity, not suitable for high-power output.


From the above comparison, it can be seen that lead-acid batteries and lithium batteries have their own advantages and disadvantages, and there is no absolute good or bad. Which type of battery to choose should be determined according to your actual needs and budget. In general, if you often ride long distances or need high power output, you can choose lead-acid batteries; If you only occasionally ride short distances or do not need high power output, you can choose lithium batteries.



Second, how to extend the life of electric vehicle battery?


No matter what type of battery you choose, you need to pay attention to the correct use and maintenance methods in order to extend their life. Here are some common ways to extend the battery life of electric vehicles:



Master the correct way of charge and discharge


Charging and discharging mode is one of the important factors affecting the battery life of electric vehicle. Different types of batteries have different ways of charging and discharging. Lead-acid batteries need regular deep discharge (that is, to be recharged to about 10%-20%) to prevent vulcanization; Lithium batteries need to avoid deep discharge (that is, to fill below 5%) to prevent over-discharge. In addition, the following points should be noted:


Remove the charger after it is full to avoid overcharging. Overcharge will increase the internal pressure of the battery, causing problems such as battery expansion, deformation, leakage, and short circuit, which seriously affects the performance and safety of the battery. Therefore, use a charger with an automatic stop function, and disconnect the power supply in time after full.


When charging and discharging, try to use the original or matching charging and discharging device and line. Different types and brands of batteries have different charging and discharging parameters and requirements, if the use of mismatched charging and discharging devices and lines, it will cause undercharging or overcharging of the battery, affecting the life and efficiency of the battery. Therefore, use the original or certified charge and discharge device and line that match the battery, and check their working status and connection regularly.

Avoid high or low temperature environments when charging and discharging. The impact of temperature on the battery is very large, high temperature will accelerate the aging and loss of the battery, low temperature will reduce the capacity and output of the battery. Therefore, try to fill indoors or in the shade, and avoid exposure to the sun or cold places. Generally speaking, the most suitable charging and discharging temperature range is 10℃-30℃.


Avoid collision or vibration when charging and discharging. Collision or vibration will cause physical damage to the battery, resulting in internal structure deformation, fracture, short circuit and other problems, affecting the stability and safety of the battery. Therefore, it is necessary to park the electric vehicle firmly in a flat and clean place, and fix the charge and discharge device in a suitable position to avoid moving or shaking.


Avoid contact with moisture or other conductors. Moisture or other conductors can cause battery leakage or short circuit, causing battery damage or fire. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the battery and charge and discharge device dry and clean, and prevent them from coming into contact with metals, liquids and other substances. If water or other conductors are found to have entered the battery or the charger, stop using it immediately and send it to a professional institution for overhaul.


These are some of the correct charging and discharging ways to extend the battery life of electric vehicles, I hope you can carefully abide by and practice. If you can do this, you can effectively protect your electric vehicle batteries and extend their use time.



Check and maintain batteries regularly


During the use of electric vehicle batteries, there will be some aging or damage over time, such as capacity decline, voltage instability, poor contact and so on. These phenomena will affect the performance and safety of electric vehicles, so it is necessary to regularly check and maintain the battery. Here are some common inspection and maintenance methods:


Every once in a while (such as half a year or a year), go to a professional battery repair institution for testing and repair to eliminate the vulcanization or imbalance inside the battery and restore the capacity and performance of the battery.


Before each ride, check the appearance and connection of the battery to see if there are cracks, expansion, loosening, corrosion and other abnormal phenomena, timely replacement or repair.


If the electric vehicle is not used for a long time, the battery should be full and stored in a dry, ventilated and cool place, and the battery should be charged every once in a while (such as one month or two months) to prevent self-discharge or over-discharge.



Reasonable use and storage of electric vehicles


In addition to paying attention to the use and maintenance of the battery itself, but also pay attention to the use and storage of the entire electric vehicle, because this will also affect the life of the battery. Here are some common methods of fair use and storage:


Avoid overloading or speeding, avoid frequent braking or acceleration, and avoid riding on ramps or bumpy roads, which will increase battery load and wear.


Avoid riding or parking in high or low temperature environments, avoid riding or parking in direct sunlight or rain or snow weather, which will affect the temperature and humidity of the battery, thus affecting the life of the battery.


Avoid parking electric vehicles in closed or crowded places, avoid contacting electric vehicles with other conductors, and avoid exposing electric vehicles to fire sources or near strong magnetic fields, which will increase the safety risk and failure probability of electric vehicles.





It introduces you to the types of electric vehicle batteries, how to extend their life, and how to tell if they need to be replaced.


Electric vehicle batteries are a key factor affecting the performance and life of electric vehicles, so we should use and maintain them correctly to extend their life. At the same time, we must also determine whether they need to be replaced in time, so as not to affect our travel safety and comfort.