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The weather turns cool, please check your electric vehicle battery maintenance manual!

来源:www.hblhnykj.com作者:Hubei Lham时间:2023-10-27

Nowadays, more and more people choose electric vehicles as a tool for daily travel. However, the range of electric vehicles decreases significantly after the cold weather, which brings inconvenience to users. From the perspective of lithium batteries and lead-acid batteries, we will discuss how to maintain batteries to avoid a decline in winter life.

First, the reason for the decline of electric vehicle endurance in cold weather

Battery range is greatly affected by temperature. When the temperature drops, the chemical reaction rate inside the battery slows down, resulting in a decrease in the battery's discharge capacity, which affects the range. In addition, with the growth of the battery's use time, the chemical substances inside the battery will gradually lose, the battery capacity will gradually reduce, and it will also lead to the shortening of the driving range.

Second, the importance of lithium battery and lead-acid battery maintenance


Lithium battery maintenance

(1) Control charging time: Generally speaking, it is most appropriate to charge when the remaining battery power is 20% to 30%, and it is not recommended to charge for a long time to prevent the battery from being damaged by overcharging.


(2) Pay attention to the ambient temperature: Using an electric vehicle for a long time in a low temperature environment may cause damage to the battery, so try to choose indoor or sheltered places when parking to reduce the impact of temperature on the battery.


(3) Maintain good driving habits: avoid frequent acceleration and braking, and try to maintain a uniform speed to reduce the battery load, thereby extending the battery life.

Lead-acid battery maintenance

(1) Charging time: the charging time of the lead-acid battery should be controlled at about 8 to 10 hours to prevent overcharging from causing damage to the battery.


(2) Ambient temperature: Lead-acid batteries are more sensitive to temperature, so in winter, special attention should be paid to its warm treatment so as not to affect its endurance because the temperature is too low.


(3) Driving habits: Like lithium batteries, drivers should avoid frequent acceleration and braking, and try to maintain a uniform speed to reduce the battery load and extend the battery life.


Third, how to avoid winter electric vehicle endurance decline


1. Choose a battery suitable for winter use: When buying an electric vehicle, you can choose a lithium battery with good low-temperature performance. In contrast, lead-acid batteries in the case of winter, its battery capacity will be more seriously affected.


2. Check the battery status regularly: Check whether the battery voltage, power and other parameters are normal. If any abnormal situation is found in the battery, handle or replace it in time.


3.Develop good driving habits: frequent acceleration and sudden braking should be avoided during driving, and uniform speed should be maintained as far as possible to reduce the working pressure on the battery. In addition, in the winter driving process should try to maintain a stable speed, to avoid sudden acceleration or deceleration.


4. Reasonable arrangement of charging time: according to the use of the electric vehicle and the type of battery, reasonable arrangement of charging time to prevent damage to the battery due to too long charging time. Especially in such a low temperature environment in winter, as far as possible, the electric vehicle is parked indoors or in a sheltered place for charging, to avoid the adverse impact of external low temperature on the charging process.


5. Do a good job of battery warmth measures: no matter when parking should be as far as possible to park the electric vehicle indoors or in a sheltered place to prevent sun and rain and low temperature freezing, which will have an adverse effect on the battery and shorten its life. If you need to park the electric vehicle outdoors, you can also use special thermal sleeves to protect the battery from cold weather.


6. Use professional battery maintenance equipment: Through the use of professional battery maintenance equipment, the battery can be inspected and maintained in a full range to ensure its normal operation and extend its service life.

Iv. Conclusion

The problem of the range decline of electric vehicles in winter does need to attract enough attention from users. Through reasonable maintenance and maintenance measures can effectively avoid the problem of winter mileage decline. These measures include controlling the charging time, paying attention to the ambient temperature, maintaining good driving habits, and choosing batteries suitable for winter use.


In addition, often checking the battery status and using professional battery maintenance equipment is also a key way to improve the winter endurance of electric vehicles, or choose products with large battery capacity and excellent battery life like the pocket Knife aerospace power system. I hope that the guideline provided in this article can be enlightening and helpful to the majority of electric vehicle users, so that your electric vehicle can also maintain good endurance in winter.