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How to equalize the voltage of the lead acid battery pack

来源:www.hblhnykj.com作者:Hubei Lham时间:2022-10-25

Lead-acid battery is widely used in electric power, communication, data center, finance, rail transit, high-speed and other industries. It is the equipment with the shortest life and longest service time, and also the equipment with the highest cost. Lead acid batteries are unbalanced. A lead acid battery consists of a maximum of 36 cells. The more cells there are, the more unbalanced the lead acid battery will be. How to deal with battery voltage imbalance, how to balance lead-acid battery pack? Let me give you a detailed introduction.


How to balance voltage in lead-acid battery pack

Due to the difference of the battery itself, series use for a period of time, there will be differences, mainly in the battery voltage is different, less dozens of millivolts, more than a few tenths of a volt, must be balanced to play the role of the battery pack; As for the battery pack, the charger cannot realize the balanced charging of the series battery pack. The best way is to use lead-acid battery equalizer.


With the charger to a series of battery charging, battery group can not ensure that each battery balanced charging, often due to a few battery voltage changes in the battery (high or low) and lead to other batteries in charge or charge. The battery pack is connected in series, and the weak battery determines the performance of the whole battery. In order to solve this problem, the state stipulates the use of regular (720H) strong charging method, with the method of improving the charging voltage of the whole group of backward batteries in the battery pack for compensatory charging.


Using the method of improving the charging voltage of the battery group can restore the capacity of the backward battery, but it will also be good battery charge bad, capacity decline, battery life is shortened, electrolyte drying up and so on, affecting the reliability of the whole system operation. And the existing monitoring means can not from the voltage, internal resistance, capacity of 3 indicators of the monitoring battery operation condition, accurate judgment of the quality of the battery, pick out the backward battery, the stability and reliability of the battery can not be guaranteed.

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This section describes battery equalizer products

Battery equalizer is also called battery balancer, is a kind of electronic protection equipment to prevent the voltage imbalance between the battery cells inside the battery resulting in reduced service life. When the voltage between battery cells is out of balance, different battery cells have different charging and discharging speeds. When one battery cell is charged, the other battery cells are in the state of overcharging or undercharging. Overcharging or undercharging will damage the battery, reducing the battery capacity and shortening the battery life. The battery equalizer can balance the power of each battery grid in real time, thus extending the service life of the battery by 5-30%.


Lham Battery Equalizer is an active equalization system that has been researched and developed for many years. It solves the problem of charging and discharging balance of battery packs such as electric forklifts, electric vehicles and electric tractors, and effectively extends the battery range and the service life of battery packs.

So the battery balance, so that the battery always maintain in a normal operating environment, is to improve each battery in the same working state, to solve the operation of the battery single imbalance problem; At the same time, the weak performance of the battery online activation, greatly prolong the service life of the battery; Provides online battery internal resistance and capacity tests to accurately determine the quality of batteries and improve battery reliability. It fundamentally solves the problem of unbalanced battery group, makes the operation of battery group stable and reliable, and makes the normal operation of power supply system fully guaranteed.