

Industry information

Causes of UPS battery bulge deformation

来源:www.hblhnykj.com作者:Hubei Lham时间:2023-10-11

The battery used in the UPS power supply is essential, but we all know that the battery on the market is generally used improperly will cause the bulge situation, this is not random on the bulge, it is after a process to produce this situation. If the charging time is too long and the current is too large, as well as the use of different models and specifications of the charger will lead to the following we will take a specific look.


The main reasons for the bulge deformation of the UPS power battery are as follows:

1. In the operation of sealed battery charging, especially in the series UPS power battery pack, if the battery pack is charged, if there is a poor quality battery, the internal gas compound is often poor, resulting in a bulge phenomenon.


2. The opening pressure of the safety valve is too high or the safety valve is blocked. When the pressure in the body increases to a certain extent, the valve can not open normally, in this case is bound to cause bulging deformation.


3. Because the sealed battery belongs to the liquid-poor design, the combination of gases is reserved for avoidance, and if there is a liquid-rich phenomenon, it will block the diffusion of O2 to the negative electrode, reduce the recombination rate of O2, and increase the pressure in the body.


4. The floating charging voltage is set too high, and the charging current is large, resulting in accelerated O2 precipitation on the positive plate, and it is too late to compound in the negative electrode. At the same time, the temperature in the UPS power battery rises quickly, and the pressure reaches a certain time, causing the battery to bulge and deform.


Precautions to prevent UPS power battery explosion

1, control the amount of charging, but charge to reduce the amount of gas precipitation. In the charging room, no open flame is allowed and ventilation is maintained.


2. During charging, the wiring points should be firm to avoid sparks due to loosening.


3, the use of low voltage constant voltage charging, less gas out.


4, prevent UPS power battery shell cracks, electrolyte penetration, seepage into the cable trench, resulting in short circuit spark, fire and explosion.


5. Although the maintainable battery is sealed and equipped with an exhaust valve, a certain amount of hydrogen and oxygen gas is stored inside the battery. Once the exhaust valve fails or does not work, the internal pressure is too large, the battery will be cracked, and even explosion and fire. Therefore, the exhaust valve must be kept reliable.


The swelling phenomenon usually means that a small amount of gas is generated inside the battery during the charging process of the UPS power supply, which is generally absorbed during discharge. If the charging current is too large and often overcharged, the gas generation will be aggravated and the internal pressure of the battery will increase, resulting in swelling. A slight bulge in the battery is allowed. Avoiding overcharging is the key to reducing bulging. In general, under normal conditions of use, the battery case should not bulge.